The Florida’s. Was there chasing Ibex with a bow last month. Scariest place I’ve ever hunted. The pursuit of an Ibex will push you to do some foolish things. I still get PTSD every time I look back at some of these pics.
Always a treat seeing the wild bison near Delta Junction. They proved a worthy opponent to photograph...being hunted half the year had them tough to sneak in on.
Some more pics from our snowshoeing expedition. The snow shoes are 27" each for a reference on the depth. That was not in a drift.
The last pic is a small drift not too far from the trail. It looks to be about an 8 ft wall.
If you guys were the photography equivalent of a Budweiser long neck....I'd be lucky to be a Dixie cup full of piss. So Jelly. Only thing I can share that is close to neat and/or funny. Ate a whole alfalfa bale I had for WT bait
I found out yesterday this photo took second in the Live Sheep category at the Sheep Show this year! A couple other names from the forum on the list as well.