Pet Peeves

Ten Bears

Mar 1, 2017
Litter. It’s so lazy and disrespectful.

Kayakers at boat launches, they park in the boat trailer spots or sometimes in front of the launch itself. This year has been horrible to launch a boat.
Dec 3, 2018
When your partner wears rain pants and doesn’t adjust the way they walk and you can hear them from 15 feet away 😂


Mar 17, 2019
For hunting partners:

-moving around or talking during calling sequences.

-having a gun pointed at me, even when slung.

-A partner who is always just too busy to help out or schedule chore days or scouting.

-Hunters who take pride in “I shoot this thing only once or twice a year when I kill an animal and it’s always dead-on. No need to practice or even check zero.”

-Friends who talk about getting started hunting, ask for your help on getting equipped, and then they never act on anything. It’s always next year.

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Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
People blocking or practically parking within a foot of your door at parking spots/trailheads.

The boat ramp launch fails never disappoint. Practice how to back your trailer up BEFORE you hold up 100 other guys. Have all your ice chest, tackle and gear in the boat BEFORE you launch the boat.

Bumping into the guy that told you they were going the other way a mile or so away from where that conversation took place.

Rude A holes that “own” the public land your on. If it’s private and someone is trespassing scream and cuss away, otherwise just calm down please.

Sound shots and recklessness with firearms in general.

Meat abuse! Throwing damn near a whole animal out of your freezer before the season so you will have room to make more freezer fossils. Leaving meat behind in the field because your too lazy to make the last trip.

Getting scoped because someone didn’t pack there Binos.

Showing up to pick your friend up at 5:30 in the afternoon after the trips been planned for months and they’re still packing and have gear scattered everywhere.

Not pulling your weight around camp.

End of rant.😎

Oh wait, one more which is the constant borrower. Stop blowing money on stupid shit and get your own gear. I will loan stuff out, but I’m not a rental company.
Mar 21, 2012
Missoula, MT
-"I don't have time in the summer to scout with you. I'll be busy on the lake or golfing. If you find some good spots though, let's go together opening weekend"
-Hunting partners carrying their rifles with safari slings, with the barrel seemingly always pointing at you
-Hunters glassing other hunters through their rifle scopes
-Guys parked on the boat ramp, rigging up all their fly rods, positioning coolers, applying sunscreen, etc, while other trucks are waiting. Launch your boat, anchor it to the side, THEN do all that stuff
-Other hunters trying to race you to a herd of elk despite you being there first, cutting upwind in doing so, and blowing the herd out for both of you
Feb 21, 2017
On forums, FB, etc. it would be people that ask for help or advice, and end their request with ...AND GO! Listen Chaz, I know what that question mark at the end of your sentence means. I didn't need the pavlovian command to be ordered to help you. Go "help" yourself.

Hunting: when someone sees you glassing an animal or area, and angles in to try to beat you to the critters. I get it, it's public land, but how proud of yourself can you be for outsmarting a 12 year old that is trying to calm his heart beat for a shot on his first deer because you decided to go rally your truck, and run the herd to a spot you can jump out and shoot it? (actually happened while trying to help my nephew shoot one)
Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
I will preface this by saying that I get that as hunters we need recruitment. we need new blood in the sport. but damn i hate the new, decked out, has every new toy, acts like a hunting pro, insta hunter. just bugs the hell out of me. Same is true with fly fishermen. I just laugh. Even some of the people who have reached a certain level of fame because they have utilized the internet seem to know nothing about hunting or fishing. they just regurgitate nomenclature and put together the right clips from their guided trips. I think it started with all the video hunting years ago and that has morphed into the online instafamous hunters. so i guess the new gucci hunter/angler is my pet peeve.

then #2 is the word harvest. especially when it is some just really dumb bubba using it. acting like he has reached some higher plane of righteousness because he is "harvesting" an animal. I do not see a reason to sugarcoat the fact I am killing an animal. If anything i harvest meat from the animal I killed. to me it is funny hunters tried to steal an agricultural term to describe the killing of an animal.. in actuality they stole the wrong term. In agriculture when we kill an animal we refer to is as slaughtering.... wonder why we didnt use that terminology.. oh yah sugar coat..

so some dumb new hunter dressed in $2000 in gear with his gopro on trying to tell me about his harvest. kill me now. (i mean harvest me now)


Jun 12, 2020
Yeah... Parking too close to you at trailheads Is annoying as hell isn't it.

Mylar balloons! OMG you see those things WAY the hell up in there!

Diapers - B*tch, I know you have a Diaper bag with you. Pick that sh*t up! Disgusting!!

Fools that stupidly go and make fires where it's clearly posted NOT to! Me and the boy had to spend like 30 minutes putting out these embers still going hot underneath all the ash where these a**holes dumped the carcoal out of the beatup grill which they ALSO left behind... along with broken 375ml liquor bottles.. and a pair of shorts..they dumped those charcoals onto a dead tree that they drug over to sort of a rocky crevice. But OMG the wind currents right there? Don't know how they didn't set that whole ridge ablaze. I hiked that stupid POS grill back outta there lest some other idiots get any bright ideas. Dude... elotes are delicious, I get it... but time and place man, time and place...NOT HERE!

People who are too cheap to pay to take their crap to a dumpsite so they instead dump it in remote areas. One of them being right along side the CA Aqueduct! Just...Why? It easily cost you more in Gas to drag it over here, then going to the designated spot! know they'll eventually close access to the place if these nimrods keep doing it!

And everytime I see a place where somebody has elected to stack rocks... balance them on each know.. not to serve any demarcation purpose, but just to show the world "I was here!" ... I kick every single last one of those down. Maliciously and Vindictively. To me it's akin to graffiti. Read some articles as well where there are these riverbeds where this has become a stupid trend... and the biologist was explaining how it hurt that area.

Hunters who leave their tent in there after the season, and don't come back to take it out.

Loud-ass Hikers... who in the middle of nowhere, where my sit is located... come blabbin' on in... and then just up and STOP... right there in front of my FOV... and proceed to Yak! Yak! Yak!... For greater than a minute... until I finally had to yell out like the voice of God in my deepest voice "MOVE!! PLEASE!!!". I will say it was priceless watching them startle though!

When it's Rabbit Season, and you'll get these a**holes who will... drive down the access road in their vehicle.... and stop like every 25-50yds... and beep their damn horns! Not sure if they are hunters trying to flush Rabbits huddled in grasses by side of road? Or treehuggers just trying to thwart the efforts of hunters?

People who walk up to a freakin' trash can at a trailhead... see that it's obviously full... and yet proceed to attempt to try to stuff their trash into it as well!!! What's wrong with you? You see it's full. Your stuff obviously didn't walk itself into there... take it home with you for crying out loud!

Biggest peeve is the most dangerous one. People who use their riflescope as an optic for scanning terrain. They'll change their tune real damn quick some day when somebody elses kid points a rifle dead-on at them! Unnerving... to put it mildly.

When you're walking back up to your truck at end of the PM... and some dude starts trying to plug you for questions to get data regarding what you were hunting and where in there you went to.. where you've been successful at... he thinks he's bein' slick too. The *way* in which he asks the questions. Then finish it up with "yeah... been thinking about trying to get into hunting. Especially with the way things are now." Yeah right G... you think I ain't gotcho number? pretty sure this is also the a**hole who was driving down that access road beeping his horn every 25-50yds trying to flush Rabbits. Hard to tell. I can't tell if he's a hunter trying to be lazy... or if he's like a TreeHugger in disguise trying to gather intel to EFF with Hunters in there. Just weird.


Jul 27, 2020
This one is a little off topic...but I don’t like people who ride bikes on the roads. They are bikes when it’s convenient to them and cars when it’s convenient for them.

plus, it’s dangerous to be in a lane and not be moving at the speed of traffic.


Mar 17, 2019
This one is a little off topic...but I don’t like people who ride bikes on the roads. They are bikes when it’s convenient to them and cars when it’s convenient for them.

plus, it’s dangerous to be in a lane and not be moving at the speed of traffic.

Now you’ve started it :)

In many places it’s illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk. It’s almost always safer to ride on the street. My pet peeve is bicyclists who don’t obey the rules of the road (blowing stop lights, riding on left side of road, etc.).

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Dec 22, 2018
Guy bitching me out because I shot "their deer" on public land, even though I was in my spot 1 hr earlier in the morning. This has happened to me twice.

At the time I was a kid, being chewed out by some old guy who claims he has hunted there for over 100 years. I didn't know what to say back I was so shocked. First time it happened was my first big buck; it was hard to be excited about it.
Oct 16, 2018
People not picking up their trash, junk, etc. Packing the wrapper is considerably lighter than packing the actual full item, Knucklehead.
Those who feel they need to practice their calling whilst sitting at their campsite...around the night.