Pennsylvania Dandy

Feb 17, 2013
Partner stumbled on this beauty today. My chances of ever drawing a license here in my home state aren’t even close to my odds in the Wyoming random drawing with zero points. The back end catches your eye right off the bat but look at those brows and the 3rd. Bull of dreams. Sigh….IMG_3179.jpeg
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I'd say that's a find of a lifetime!
I read the title of your post, and my brain still had a hard time registering elk existing back east. That's epic.
So I have a few pictures and video of what I think is this bull. I seen him in person a few times.
Nice find, I just can't relate Eastern elk to Western elk. Right or wrong, I almost think of it like a game farm pickup.
What year were those pictures taken? The bull in your picture is a six point non typical with an irregular point between the third and fourth. That shed is from a perfectly typical seven point bull. Also the bull in your picture has a lot of main beam in between the fourth and fifth point. The shed hardly has any space at all between the points on the back end. Lots of big bulls up there. Pretty sure that’s not the same one. But still a darn nice bull.

Coveyleader…. Would you say that about a shed from Utah or Arizona? No different. They are hunted. Obviously nobody hung a tag on this one. They are wild free ranging elk like anywhere else that have no intentions of committing suicide. They are not easy to find even during the summer months.

Unlike a lot of eastern states who have only recently re-introduced elk, Pennsylvania has had an elk herd since 1913. 90 years.
I’m not sure what you’re counting but the bull in my pictures is a 7x7. It even has the little sticker in the same spot as the shed antler picture it’s just hard to get a clear pic of it because it’s in my video.