Patagonia donated to fight climate change

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Oct 4, 2017
It's actually pretty mind blowing to me that people are so upset that a business owner did what he felt was the best thing he could do with his business.
Mighta been an easier sell if he had turned the company over to Greta but he didn't do that; he preserved generational wealth. Good on him for doing it, but don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Feb 12, 2022
If he dedicated that 3BN to ending hunting would your mind change?

What blows my mind is how people bow at the altar of business and businessmen. An old boss of mine had a sign on his office wall that said something to the effect that a business striving for profits is the most moral thing he knew. Six months after I started there the president of the company gathered a dozen people in a conference room and fired them all. Turned out they needed to increase their profit profile because they had a bad quarter and (unbeknownst to anyone) were being looked at to be bought. Moral my ass.
I didn't endorse what he did. I'm not commenting on the morality of it. Which is why I have no response to the people quoting me and talking about global warming. I'm not talking about that.

I'm saying he did what he wanted to with what was his.

I personally think the entire system is stupid. But he's doing what he can and wants within it.

But it sure seems like the people upset are also the ones that screech about free markets and private property rights.


Jan 12, 2021
The planet is not "over populated". Right now South Korea is paying people extra to have children. They realized they won't have enough people in the near future. Look it up.

Stop buying into this nonsense. The global elites want US to sacrifice while THEY continue to over indulge. You will have nothing and be happy.


Jan 13, 2022
Regarding global warming; 18,000 years ago was the last glacial maximum. There was a 1/2 mile sheet of ice covering much of North America. Coast lines extended hundreds of kilometers out to sea from where they are now, there was a vast landscape connecting Alaska to Siberia. We are currently in that same ice age. Those glaciers have been receding for 18,000 years. The glacier that piled up debris forming Long Island in NY has melted. It will probably continue to warm and most likely melt all glaciers even the poles. In the last 100 million years there has been ice at the poles for about 1/3 of the time. Should we try not to put "gunk" into the atmosphere? Sure. But I don't see how this is our fault......
Sep 13, 2020
Kudos to Yvon Chouinard. What a badass! It takes a special person to walk away from that type of generational wealth. I can tell you right now I probably wouldn’t have the kahonies to do it. The fact that it’s going towards environmental causes should resonate with hunters, but as always I’m sure people will find a way to turn it into a negative.


Mar 5, 2018
Wow, here I read a thread about a very successful American outdoorsman, one who has kept a portion of his company's manufacturing onshore where it employs American workers, and one who uses vast portions of his wealth to preserve land that, hey, we all get to hunt. If only we could all be so committed, so successful, so generous, and so impactful.

Hell, we don't need Russian bot farms. We have enough anti-Americans here on Rokslide. Grow a pair, you fools. Even a small pair will make you secure enough to accept ideas and ideals you don't always agree with...especially considering Choinard's impact has been net positive. I'm not sure if its jealousy, a form of intellectual disability (the currently accepted term for mental retardation), chem trails, or some weird inferiority complex.

Also, last I heard, Patagonia was still a military contractor sewing cold weather gear for the U.S. military as well as some specialized gear for Army Special Forces.

But hey, hate away. People have been complaining about capitalism and democracy for, like, ever.
Dec 1, 2020
Their club has a pay for play membership rules, thats all this donation is about, unfortunately we don’t have many advocates left, these major corporations have almost all sold their soles to the globalist.



Aug 25, 2015
Wow, here I read a thread about a very successful American outdoorsman, one who has kept a portion of his company's manufacturing onshore where it employs American workers, and one who uses vast portions of his wealth to preserve land that, hey, we all get to hunt. If only we could all be so committed, so successful, so generous, and so impactful.

Hell, we don't need Russian bot farms. We have enough anti-Americans here on Rokslide. Grow a pair, you fools. Even a small pair will make you secure enough to accept ideas and ideals you don't

But hey, hate away. People have been complaining about capitalism and democracy for, like, ever.
Hey lots of straw men you got, because you are unable or unwilling or to argue, leftist hunter dude. When Roksliders put down a phony, hypocrite guy, who is also an exceptionally successful businessman, it's not because we are anti capitalists, it's because we don't like phony leftist, hypocrites. I respect the guy has been so exceptionally successful in the greatest country in the world. And Patagonia makes excellent outdoor clothing, I have some. I disagree and disrespect his politics, views, phoniness, and righteous hypocrisy. Rokslide leftists LOVE their strawmen, and are generally dishonest. You like Ivone le pew, good, most here don't. I'll agree to disagree. Cheers Bill
Feb 12, 2022
Hey lots of straw men you got, because you are unable, or unwilling, or to argue, leftist hunter dude. When Roksliders put down a phony, hypocrite guy, who is also an exceptionally successful businessman, it's not because we are anti capitalists, it's because we don't like phony leftist, hypocrites. I respect the guy has been so exceptionally successful in the greatest country in the world. I disagree and disrespect his politics, views, phoniness, and righteous hypocrisy. Rokslide leftists LOVE their strawmen, and they are intellectually dishonest. You like Ivone le pew, good, most here don't. I'll agree to disagree. Cheers Bill
That's an awful lot of assumptions about the thinking of people who's heads you can't see inside of.
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