Patagonia donated to fight climate change

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Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
Like I said before and frequently do, the earth is greatly over populated and bad things are happening. We got here 50, 60, 70 years ago when the red cross and other organizations traveled to the poorest, darkest, awful hell holes on earth and gave those people medicine, and taught them how to grow food and survive. They did start surving, but kept having big families, mostly for survival. This is the reason for over population. My relatives did this in Minnesota. My Norwegian great grandad had 8 brothers and sisters and most died during childhood. It's incredibly rare for any of my relatives having more than 2 kids in the last 80 years!! These poor countries are still having huge populations. The Catholic Church is also greatly responsible for the world's suffering and misery, claiming every sperm is sacred.
Well you, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci have a common opinion.
Dec 23, 2021
Taking the political aspect out of the equation, this is the best summary of the hypocrisy of Patagonia


Their purpose is to make money. Full stop.

If they were truly interested in climate change (which is baloney to begin with), then they would stop making their products from polyester and nylon (which are both petroleum-based), inside factories powered by fossil fuels, and shipped with vehicles that run on fossil fuels.

Their factories in China run off a power grid which gets 65% of it's electricity from coal. Just as comparison, the power grid in the USA gets about 37% of it's electricity from coal sources. So right off the bat, if they truly cared about 'climate change', moving their production to the USA would cut their 'carbon footprint' in half. Maybe more when you consider the products made in China then have to be shipped/flown 6,000 miles to the USA.
Factories, Farms and Mills - Patagonia
We promote and sustain fair labor practices, safe working conditions and environmental responsibility in the finished-goods factories, farms and mills.

The simple fact is, if Patagonia held their activism in higher regard then their profits....well, they'd go out of business.

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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Like I said before and frequently do, the earth is greatly over populated and bad things are happening. We got here 50, 60, 70 years ago when the red cross and other organizations traveled to the poorest, darkest, awful hell holes on earth and gave those people medicine, and taught them how to grow food and survive. They did start surving, but kept having big families, mostly for survival. This is the reason for over population. My relatives did this in Minnesota. My Norwegian great grandad had 8 brothers and sisters and most died during childhood. It's incredibly rare for any of my relatives having more than 2 kids in the last 80 years!! These poor countries are still having huge populations. The Catholic Church is also greatly responsible for the world's suffering and misery, claiming every sperm is sacred.
So in short, China is leading the way in correcting overpopulation and California is leading the way in green energy?

I live on the Cali border and use wood heat, so I fancy myself a global steward (I also support China too, just not by choice, but it still counts)


Aug 25, 2015
So in short, China is leading the way in correcting overpopulation and California is leading the way in green energy?

I live on the Cali border and use wood heat, so I fancy myself a global steward (I also support China too, just not by choice, but it still counts)
Uh, China kinda did by forcing people to only have one kid, which is tyranny. Now, it appears they won't allow abortions, because their birthrate fell too much. The Chinese government is an evil empire. I only know California is leading the way to destroying the country. I applaud you for being a global steward. Do you purchase carbon offsets, that's what wealthy hypocrites do.
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Uh, China kinda did by forcing people to only have one kid, which is tyranny. Now, it appears they won't allow abortions, because their birthrate fell too much. The Chinese government is an evil empire. I only know California is leading the way to destroying the country. I applaud you for being a global steward. Do you purchase carbon offsets, that's what wealthy hypocrites do.
Tyrannies are fine as long as they are cleverly masked… no pun intended


Oct 5, 2017
I don't argue that our Earth's climate is changing, hell it's been changing since the day God created it. Just think, why are all those people scouring the melting glaciers? Why because they are likely to find something or someone from thousands of years ago. Now it doesn't take a highschool graduate to realize that not much sifts through frozen water like desert sand, and it's likely where the artifacts are found, are exactly the level of glacier or ice formation as they were thousand or so years ago when they were originally left. All we need is one large volcanoe to go boom and instantly we are back in the ice age.

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Aug 25, 2015
All we need is one large volcanoe to go boom and instantly we are back in the ice age.

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Not exactly, no. More like several huge volcanoes erupting over tens of thousands of years and causing an ice age in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. Geological time is very difficult to fathom, at 2.5 billion I remember? Yet our national debt is 30 something trillion?


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Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
North Sentinel Island
Not exactly, no. More like several huge volcanoes erupting over tens of thousands of years and causing an ice age in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. Geological time is very difficult to fathom, at 2.5 billion I remember? Yet our national debt is 30 something trillion?
national debt :unsure:
Feb 12, 2022
Yvon Chouinard is a free American. I support him doing what he wants with his property.
No, that's not how it works.

People have the freedom to do things I like. Same with private businesses, they can do whatever they want as long as I like it.

It's actually pretty mind blowing to me that people are so upset that a business owner did what he felt was the best thing he could do with his business.
Dec 23, 2021
No, that's not how it works.

People have the freedom to do things I like. Same with private businesses, they can do whatever they want as long as I like it.

It's actually pretty mind blowing to me that people are so upset that a business owner did what he felt was the best thing he could do with his business.

It’s funny that this thread is the one I reply to versus just reading and moving on, but it’s the hypocrisy of the move.

Like I said before, if it was truly about climate change, he would not be so dependent on the fossil fuel industry and just close up shop instead of a marketing ploy after he made his billions.

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Mar 24, 2016
It's actually pretty mind blowing to me that people are so upset that a business owner did what he felt was the best thing he could do with his business.

If he dedicated that 3BN to ending hunting would your mind change?

What blows my mind is how people bow at the altar of business and businessmen. An old boss of mine had a sign on his office wall that said something to the effect that a business striving for profits is the most moral thing he knew. Six months after I started there the president of the company gathered a dozen people in a conference room and fired them all. Turned out they needed to increase their profit profile because they had a bad quarter and (unbeknownst to anyone) were being looked at to be bought. Moral my ass.
Dec 23, 2021
If he dedicated that 3BN to ending hunting would your mind change?

What blows my mind is how people bow at the altar of business and businessmen. An old boss of mine had a sign on his office wall that said something to the effect that a business striving for profits is the most moral thing he knew. Six months after I started there the president of the company gathered a dozen people in a conference room and fired them all. Turned out they needed to increase their profit profile because they had a bad quarter and (unbeknownst to anyone) were being looked at to be bought. Moral my ass.

It’s all perceptions, like everything today we are fighting for, life, liberty, freedom and all thing good things some of us grew up with.

Can we get better socially? sure, environmentally?sure but there is a movement that moves in concert with each other to delegitimize freedom as we know and move towards Marxism and I see this as a move from an elite who may have started with a good goal but has moved into a collective mentality where private ownership is bad.

Hunting is next.

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Aug 25, 2015
Hunting is next.
Reality 101. How's the hunting in Marxist countries? Marxist Democrats aren't hunters friends. Some misguided hunters, mistakenly believe Freedom loving Capitalist politicians and developers will ruin their hunting. In the short run and in some isolated instances in small areas, some hunting may suffer due to development and mineral and oil extraction. Some local hunters fret about this, and try to fight against it. When in fact these hypocrites drive to the trail head and live in a house, but no one else can come after them. They say my dad moved here or my grandad or great grandad. So, I have the right to live here and so do my children and grandchildren. But you can't come here and live. In the short run the Marxist Environmentalists can thwart development and exploration to the delight of the selfish few, however in the long run these same Marxists will restrict their freedoms and eventually tell these selfish few hunters that hunting is bad, weapons are bad, and people should all be living close together in efficient high density housing.
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