Perhaps there is common ground. As a hunter, I want wild places, good animal populations, and good animal habitat for summer and winter ranges. I want adequate water, open migration corridors, and the ability for my children to experience it. I don’t think those desires are that out of line with Patagonia.Too bad hunters, who are supposed to be conservationists, have gotten so wrapped up in this us vs them nonsense that they have abandoned their ability to use rational thought and critical thinking. Instead we divide ourselves into camps, and have knee jerk reactions to everything that people in the other camp say. Patagonia makes good gear, it lasts for ages, and holds up better than a lot of the "hunting" brands. How it got to be that anyone who cared about the environment that we leave for our children became some evil lefty green and anyone who thinks that mindlessly drilling and destroying public lands became a genius is beyond me. Maybe use this as a point of discussion and compromise, instead of mindlessly spewing talking points that we don't understand. And for the record, I'm on the sitting in the middle, going WTF is wrong with all these people who are being programmed by both sides...