Packable spotter of choice??


Sep 30, 2024
Ok I have done a fair amount of research on spotters and I have narrowed down to two that I think would be a good fit. I can get my hands on a Kowa 773 for $2500(display model on ebay) or I can get a deal on a brand new atx/stx 65 mm for $2910 and the 85mm for $3400. Only reason I really considered the 773 was the thought of bridging the gap between the 65-85mm. Thoughts on this? My style of hunting will very over the years. This will be my first spotter so I’m kinda looking for a good do it all spotter but need something decently packable. Am I going in the right direction? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
If you can find a Swaro STM HD 65 with a 25-50 eyepiece that guy is hard to beat, but they weren’t made for very long so not a lot out there. 11oz lighter than the current STS and same optical quality

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In 65mm Swaro I’d opt for an S series rather than the X series. Cheaper, lighter and equal or better optically than the X. My personal preference would be an STS 65 HD with the 25-50. I own and carry a STM HD 25-50.
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For the type of hunting that I do, I have found the 65mm size spotter is the ‘sweet spot’ between wt, bulk, & optical performance. I have a Swaro STS HD 65 mm with the standard eyepiece and have no plans to ever get rid of it
The 773 was closed out new for under $2K, that's no deal.

You say you want something packable, look at the Kowa TSN-55 series. It's our pleasure, as a long standing supporting vendor here, to discuss the different available options and special opportunities with you. Please give a call, 516-217-1000, when you have the time. Thanks
The Kowa 553 and 554 are extremely packable and lightweight. I think the optics are best for the weight when it comes to the clarity.

Their prominar crystal is lighter and doesn’t have as much distortion of color.

Kowa’s newest 66 has been getting good reviews.
I had a Kowa 55 first gen. It had incredible glass and the dual focus is better than the barrel focus on the Swarovski. That being said, I pack an 85mm Swarovski with me now even on week+ long backpacking trips. The larger objective just gives superior optical results at higher magnification and was worth the weight to me.
You can find a 773 or 4 for way cheaper than that.

I pack mine around a lot. I've considered going to a 55mm (a lot) but just can't give up the 77mm.
I could only find bodies and then by the time you got an eyepiece you were at or over 2500, is there any websites I should check specifically?
At those prices buy an ATC and call it a day, anything over 65 I wouldn’t consider it “packable” or light. For me I got to the point where I was hauling a 65mm and not really using it too much. It depends on your style but I think a baby spotter would serve your well. I might size up to a 65mm or 80mm but that would only be for a few hunts. 99% of the time a 40x will give me what I need
Your price range seems MUCH higher than mine, so I'm not familiar with the high end spotter, but my Athlon Ares G2 UHD 15-45x 65mm has worked out great for me in Colorado and Idaho. At 45 oz it's pretty packable to me.

I agree with the guys above that if you're looking for packable, I wouldn't go above 65mm size.
I agree with ATC/STC alll day long. My ATX 85 hasn’t even left my safe since picking up the ATC. Perfect for making the call to go/not go and knocked 4 pounds out of my pack when I dropped my 15s and 85. Running 12 Pures on my chest and throw them on tripod for same basin work, if I wander past the face of the basin I’m in, the ATC has plenty behind it to let me know if I need to go over the ridgeline.
I used a 30x60 fixed Leupold for a long time. Less than 30 ounces. It still surprises me that it fell out of favor to lessor variable power scopes with angled eye pieces. They are all so old now the seals get leaky, and the focus knob gets hard to turn, but if one showed up in mint condition I’d not hesitate to use it. For general purpose mulie and antelope glassing I found 30x did 99% of what it was asked. For the weight nothing could touch it. The latest generation of mountain hunters must be tough - everyone wants big heavy scopes, big tripods, heavy binoculars, and a heavy chest rig to carry it around.
I checked out the ATC/STC, Kowa 553, and bigger 65mm optics, and if you aren’t sheep hunting, ATC all the way. X40 is plenty of magnification, slightly heavier than the Kowa but comes with the plastic armor, and better FOV.

All of that said Ingot an STM-65. That extra pound and 20x can save you miles in the mountains.