Pack size help please


Aug 21, 2017
South Florida
I currently live in Florida where you can hunt/camp with a 30 litter pack, tarp and a bug net for a week. However I am looking for a 10 year pack that can follow me to Utah. For the guys in the north how many liters are you using for a 5-7 day hunt/camping trip in the colder months? Feel free to include brand and model of the pack your using. Thank you.
I have a kuiu icon pro 5200 that I use and it has served me well. I can fit 5 days worth of food and gear in it and it is comfortable to carry. I could probably squeeze 7 days into it, but I would have to only take to absolute necessities. I like mine because it compresses small enough to use as a day pack for hunting.
I had the same question and I called kifaru to ask them their opinion. They game me a ton of scenarios and let me know what size would work for each. Try giving them a call and seeing what they recommend.
I live in BC, have worked in the wilderness in BC, AB, YT and NWT. I also recreated in these jurisdictions, often alone when working for 3 months sans break and scores of solo backpacking trips from 2-7 days. I started day hiking in 1956, bp trips in spring, 1964 and have used a lot of packs.

For 4-7 days, my first choice would be either a Seek Outside Brooks or their larger pack just announced, which allows the bag to be drawn back from the frame so you can pack a sack of meat between them.

I currently own and use a SO Divide MC with various accessories, 2015 and my new and fabulous SO Exposure, but, for longer BP hunts, would choose the larger SO models above.
One thing that I have found matters a lot is how big you are... I'm quite large (6'5" 260) and therefore everything is bigger (sleeping bag, clothes, shelter, etc). If I went pure minimalist I might be able to fit in a 5200 pack with maybe some upgrades in gear, but my attitude has always been that I'll suffer for the hike in/out to be comfortable in camp. I generally have 7200-10000 cu in in my pack. Time of year also matters as you will need bigger/heavier clothes and sleeping bag as it gets colder.
Look at the stone glacier solo 3300. Very comfortable, handles weight amazing and their customer service is outstanding. Call them and talk to Kurt or Pete and they will get you set up.
I am Central Utah
I run a Kifaru Duplex Hunter frame with the AMR pack. That pack is great for 7+ days
You can also crawl in it and use it as a tent
I actually have 2 AMR's
I even used my Tahr from Kifaru as a 5 dayer and it works well. I added 2 large belt pouches down the middle of the front and 2 spotting scope pockets down each side and a guide lid to do this.

My AMR is also my day pack. It cinches up super tight and I redesigned the Guide lid attachment so it can quick disconnect and slide thru the top flap that mounts to the top of the frame, so my meat gets in quicker and then I used the normal guide lid strap webbing and mounted a male buckle on those so I can the use them to connect to the top over the meat. I may need to post pics for this to be clear. I just confused myself
Exo 5500 will handle that 5-7 day hunt and then cinch down to use as a day pack. You can also pull the bag away from the frame to load meat on with the bag on too.

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So I'm a big MR fan but have been seriously looking at kifaru.

So far I am between the woodsman with a lid and some pockets on a 26 totalling approx 100L + shelf. Additionally it looks like I can attach my scout bag to the bottom of it. Then can remove pockets or compress for a lean 55 Florida or warm weather hike/hunt.

Or the reconning with no pockets totaling approximately the same. But I am worried the scout pack would hit the back of my legs.

The scout pack I am using is a MR ASAP with some additional MOLLE for approx 25L of essentials.

Any input would be appreciated on which setup or possibly a 3rd setup. I really like the modular approach, such as the nomad, but with the nomad I am worried about it becoming loose and floppy. I thought the Woodman with pockets would be tighter overall.
Nomad does not get loose or floppy when compressed down. I fold the wings in over my rifle (if a rifle hunt), cinch everything up, drop the guide lid down over the top (cinch the bow to the outside- if a bow hunt) and off I go. At home where I can day hunt from the house I even use the nomad. I have day packs (several) and long range packs (several) but now use the nomad for double duty. The thing I find easy about using just this one pack is that I always know where everything is... No switching over to another pack or moving items to different pockets. Its as simple as grabbing the pack and heading out the door for the day. Or grabbing the pack and the camp bag and heading out for 7 days...

In the next two months I have 21 days of back pack hunts- NM antelope, CO (elk) and ID (elk) and other than changing out some layers as it gets colder my pack stays the exact same... Camp rides in the camp bag and the rest sits in the nomad... Between these hunts I will spend another 10 or so days helping buddies with AZ elk tags and doing some archery deer in AZ- all in day mode.

You can't go wrong with any of the options you mention- but the nomad might be worth a second look for you.
i am with wabowman, the Exo 5500 is an awesome pack. Simple, unlike the Kifaru and their billzion options and configurations. I currently have the 3500 pack and want to find a 5500 bag to use on my frame. The Exo is just a simple, well made, user friendly pack. Good people too.
Get a kifaru hunting frame, AMR bag, and Guide Lid. One and done. It compresses super tight and just leaves the back pockets for day gear and expands to open up enough to hold more than you want to physically carry. Will save you time, money, and heartache going this route.
I bought a Kifaru AMR with a regular lid. I didn't like or need the guide lid that's often recommended. I use the AMR for day hunts. It packs super small in daypack mode. It makes carrying elk feel like a breeze.
Unless you don't mind occasionally strapping crap to the outside of the the pack I'd say 7000+ for a week. I love my Exo 3500 and could probably use it for five days but I much prefer all my stuff disappearing in my 7200 T1.
Look at the stone glacier solo 3300. Very comfortable, handles weight amazing and their customer service is outstanding. Call them and talk to Kurt or Pete and they will get you set up.

I pondered a solo but ended up with one of their bags in the 5000 range, I regret not getting the solo. What I have isn't bad it's just cumbersome dealing with the extra pack when I find I rarely need that much space. I'm very minimalist though. The option to put your food for 10 days in a dry bag on the load shelf is what makes a 3300 functional for those long hunts. I previously used an Ultra 3000 bag on the Kuiu then the SG frame, longest hunt was 6 days and it was fine for me and my minimalist setup. The pack brands that offer load shelfs really open up the possibilities of using a smaller bag for long trips and I really love that style.