Pack for training


Oct 22, 2022
I’m considering getting an extra pack mainly for training and also for my brother to use to help me pack meat out. He goes hunting with me but he fly fishes while I hunt. That’s why he doesn’t already have a pack. I use a MR Metcalf but since this wouldn’t be my primary bag I don’t want to spend a ton on it. These are some of the ones I’m considering.

Horn Hunter full curl lite $170
Eberlestock mainframe $197 with discount
Alpz commander x $250
Alpz freighter external frame $150

I’ve read mixed reviews on most of them. Any thoughts or suggestions on other packs?
I have a milsurp molle 2 frame (from ebay) and a wilderness specialty suspension with load sling. I think i have 150 bucks total in it. Works great as a training pack and could easily haul quarters.
eberlestock makes some really solid products i would go that route from the ones you have listed if it were me
did you look at exo k4?

The crib panel accessory would be good for handing it to your brother for a pack out.

I run a k4 and a stuff sack with 40lbs of gravel for training.
I have a milsurp molle 2 frame (from ebay) and a wilderness specialty suspension with load sling. I think i have 150 bucks total in it. Works great as a training pack and could easily haul quarters.
The MOLLE 2 ruck is heavy as mentioned above. I don't need it very often, so the weight isn't as much of a factor. It is durable, so if you're going to need that quality more than the average guy, and the prices are reasonable, then it's to be considered. Otherwise, there are way better options, even for a more durable grade.
The MOLLE 2 ruck is heavy as mentioned above. I don't need it very often, so the weight isn't as much of a factor. It is durable, so if you're going to need that quality more than the average guy, and the prices are reasonable, then it's to be considered. Otherwise, there are way better options, even for a more durable grade.

The frame is 2lbs and change. The wilderness specialties suspension and load sling would put it around 4lbs. Which for just a load bearing training setup or loaner isn't too bad, especially for its low cost. But what do I know....
I use my EXO K4 with the crib panel for my home rucks. It will hold an 80lb bag of concrete and a 16lb weighted vest. It doesn’t beat up my bags.

When I travel, I just use the K4 frame and straps to hold dumbbells.
If you’re going to use it so somebody else can help you haul meat, get that alps freighter frame.

As far as training, why would you train with something different than you would use? Just load up your hunting pack with weight and go hiking.
I’m considering getting an extra pack mainly for training and also for my brother to use to help me pack meat out. He goes hunting with me but he fly fishes while I hunt. That’s why he doesn’t already have a pack. I use a MR Metcalf but since this wouldn’t be my primary bag I don’t want to spend a ton on it. These are some of the ones I’m considering.

Horn Hunter full curl lite $170
Eberlestock mainframe $197 with discount
Alpz commander x $250
Alpz freighter external frame $150

I’ve read mixed reviews on most of them. Any thoughts or suggestions on other packs?
Save your hunting backpack for hunting.

Get a frame backpack for training and hauling meat on the mountains if you are successful.

This approach saves wear and tear on your more expensive hunting backpack, gets your body accustomed to hauling heavier loads with your frame pack - which is how it should be if you are successful.

I do not own the Aplz freighter, but have fondled them in the store before. I immediately identified the webbing holding the meat shelf in place as the weak point of that pack. Not good. Not an area you want to break deep in the back country. Piss poor design.

A much better design IME is the Kelty Cache Hauler. I've used mine for almost 20 years and it has performed quite well. I seem to recall @cnelk used one at one time as well.

I am familiar with the other frame packs you have listed but have not used them.

Like a @Maverick1 mentioned, I have 2 Kelty Cache Haulers.
Definitely work horse of a pack.

I use them for pack training with bags of dog food or weights loaded on the load shelf.

I like the batwings and under the load shelf there is a orange waterprooof pack cover stored in a zipper compartment.

Hauled 3 moose, lots of elk and some deer with mine

This pack out weighed 95lbs last fall

As far as training, why would you train with something different than you would use? Just load up your hunting pack with weight and go hiking.

Your hiking pack should only weigh so much but I put rocks in my pack to train with because I'm training for the pack out, not the hunt.
Still, why not train with the pack you are going to use? I’m not sure what you mean by “hiking pack”.

I use my 2 packs to store stuff and stay ready for different tasks.

Currently it takes me 5 minutes the night before to switch from rucking rocks 6 nights a week with the frame and a sack to coyote hunting with my K2200 bag one night a week.

My K3600 bag is under a table I use to pack for specific trips: Cub Scout outings, hunting trips, etc. Currently its stuffed with Cub Scout crap from this weekend and I can go predator hunting this Saturday without having to push myself to switch everything around in one pack.
Im with Nine Banger.
My Kuiu 1850 Icon hunting pack is loaded with everything I need and it stays in my truck until I wear it snowmobiling, scouting or whatever.

I'll use my Kelty or another pack for training.
I use my Eberlestock Mainframe for essentially exactly what you’re planning to do and I really enjoy it for those purposes for the price. Training to avoid wear and tear on my exo and sg, an option for clients on pack outs, and even to keep in the truck for pack outs for myself occasionally.

It sounds like they’re coming out with an upgraded version in the next few months at around the same price point. Could be an alternate option or you might find even better deals on the current design.
I have had a full curl(not light, original version) for a long time. It worked, and was indestructible. Wasn't the most comfortable as im finding out now that I have a k4, but was serviceable for sure.
I'm going to train in my k4, I personally don't see the point in a dedicated training setup. Having one as a loaner makes sense though