I have to ask how close you live to your unit that you were able to scout? I'm at 11 points myself, but if I ever draw I don't know how I'd find enough time to travel up and scout.
Was this on public land or private property?
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It's a great looking bull, that's for sure. Congratulations!!! And KY's tag system sucks. It's strictly a lottery. I've heard of guys being drawn multiple times while some of us have never been drawn. Some kind of point system would be nice, even a bonus point system. Or one and done. Either way, congratulations on a beautiful bull.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes, it's all chance!! No preference points, no bonus points, nothing. Just throw your name in a hat. For $10 each you select rifle bull, rifle cow, archery bull, or archery cow. Last year was the first year you could select all 4, previously you could only select 2.So its like the wyoming resident elk drawing? All chance, no points.