Over Barrel vs End of Barrel Suppressor

I have some direct thread cans and some OTB styles from AB and Griffin, and I prefer the balance and shorter overall length of the OTB styles.
Man, that’s sounds awesome at first glance for my polo k but needing the OPS inc collar adapter thingy in addition to the reflex is a bummer.

EDIT: I think I misunderstood your reply and you're already aware of this. My bad.

User of an AB 10 stack w/ 3” reflex here on a 338 wm. I love it. My experience with other suppressors are a TBAC Dominus on a 308 win and Scythe on a 6 CM. I feel the reduced recoil impulse is the most significant difference. I think it’s the large volume chamber in the reflex before the first baffle that attenuates the impulse so well.
The OP is correct, in NZ all the suppressors are OTB, and much cheaper than here. I’ve been trying to figure out what OTB isn’t common here because from my experience they work great.

Check out these guys, mana factored in NZ. Hardyrifle.com

The compact suppressor only extends 3” past the barrel end, weighs 10 oz and costs $320 usd.

Seems like a huge opportunity here for hunting rifles, and are almost std fitment by hunters in NZ.