Outfitters banning bergers?!


Sep 18, 2022
Missoula, Montana
I think it is expecting something that won't happen. I quoted someone who said they saw "pinholes" with them and seemed to write in a disappointed manner. They break apart and cause a lot of damage; anything that exits will be a tiny hole that probably won't be noticed or assumed to be a bullet that didn't expand. If I am expecting to catch an intact mushroomed slug anything else is probably viewed as a failure despite a dead something. When folks see that "failure" and then remember they or someone they knew didn't recover an animal at some point with that bullet, they assume that the bullet sucked rather than the shot placement.
I think this is huge. I see this all the time on Facebook groups. People kill (kill!) stuff with ELD-Xs then complain because they didn't make a pretty mushroom like a Barnes TTSX at 50 yards. Then say they will never use them again because they didn't work. All the while talking about an animal that virtually dropped in its tracks. WTF?! The lack of critical reasoning skills in the general populace today is appalling.