Other hunters lying

I recently played the opposite roll.
I stopped and talked to a fellow hunter who was setting up his tent.

I played totally dumb... asked really stupid questions...

Hey how ya doing?
Hunted here before?
Im new here... is it a good area?
Im just want to see an animal.
How many in your group?

You wouldnt believe what information he told me...

Total gold mine
Use the old reverse lie and talk about how you might as well throw your rifle at the elk any further than 150y.
I’ve hunted with him for 30 years - he calls my younger hunting partners my “meat carriers”. Sighted in together last weekend. At 100 yards his group looked like a shotgun & my warm-ups with the elk rifle start at 400. Son didn’t miss ot to 500, Grandson put his shots under an inch and hit 400 easily. He’s not going to buy that line.
There’s a very well respected backpacker who has accomplished a lot in thru hiking and also is seen as an authority by those in his industry.

The guy has a blog, and got into hunting a few years ago. Anyway, he posts specific information down to his GPS tracks and waypoints.

Someone asked him why he would do this, and also pointed out that it’s inconsiderate of other hunters who hunt the same areas he does. His response was something to the affect that because a lot of people rely on him for accurate and unbiased information, and because he hunts past where 95% of people/hunters would go, he feels like he wants to be truthful.

I disagree with him about giving too many specifics, but I will say that he has defended hunting and called people hypocrites who eat meat, but don’t approve of hunting. Anyway, maybe this guy will eventually stop mentioning specifics as he gains more experience in hunting, but he’s been successful because he’s a puts a lot of effort into his hunts and is a very accomplished backpacker.

Anyway, he obviously sees answering questions and giving specifics a lot differently than a lot of us.
If he wasn't making money off it, he'd not be sharing so much.
I hunt with a minister who is so honest it’s ridiculous. I have to chew on him every year not to give up our spots in casual conversation let alone if questioned while taking out meat at the gas station. You might get someone as naive & trusting as my buddy so ask away - anybody with a lick of sense will tell you “some canyon where I was lost the whole time out west of here” or similar.
I took my pastor out who hadn't hunt since his teens. We both filled out archery tags with better than average muley bucks. I have hunted that area for almost ten years and have seen maybe 2 people anywhere close in that time.
The spot really isn't that deep but it's non-motorized and usually requires a canoe or raft to access or waiting until ice up. He was super interested in learning mapping and how the GPS worked and got a good handle on it.
Imagine my absolute horror when his sermon 2 Sundays later featured not only pictures of our harvest, but also our camp AND... a map screen shot showing the exact spot and the creek we used to access it.
He honestly had no clue why it would have been an issue until it was explained to him. He was just using it as a metaphor for perseverance.
We’re nonres Mt. hunters and have a good spot in SW Mt. don’t hunt there every year but have for many years with success. My brother says a guy at work is elk hunting Mt. I ask where for more intel? He says our spot, I told em right where to go. WTF facepalm
What is your brothers name and number? :)
First guy I bumped into on at trail this year I was hiking out as he was going in. He mentioned that he didn’t know the spot too well, parked right next to me and admitted he assumed we would bump into each other because it’s a small area. I didn’t tell him I had killed two bulls in the drainage the previous two years or that I had called in a bull that morning. I told him the area didn’t have much elk and I thought too much pressure lately, which were both honest
It is hard to lie about the where when in the field. Back home if I get asked where I killed my buck I give them the nearest town. "I got him out of John Day" If they can find my spot from town they can have it.
I really don't like playing word games with people. If anyone asks where I'm hunting I either tell them the area, or tell them I won't reveal it....depending on a variety of factors. As said previously, I'm the guy who doesn't care and isn't interested in where others are hunting or killing game. I realize that puts me in a low percentage group, as many people are after intel they can use or share. If a hunting area or location comes my way somehow...great. But I'm not asking and seldom talking.
It is hard to lie about the where when in the field. Back home if I get asked where I killed my buck I give them the nearest town. "I got him out of John Day" If they can find my spot from town they can have it.
Its always been uncomfortable to lie for me so this is the same thing I have come up with to do. I just tell them the closest decent sized town and I don't feel like I'm lying.

I usually don't bother asking about it either because I dont like getting lied to...
I really don't like playing word games with people. If anyone asks where I'm hunting I either tell them the area, or tell them I won't reveal it....depending on a variety of factors. As said previously, I'm the guy who doesn't care and isn't interested in where others are hunting or killing game. I realize that puts me in a low percentage group, as many people are after intel they can use or share. If a hunting area or location comes my way somehow...great. But I'm not asking and seldom talking.

That’s funny I feel the same way I’ve tried getting a couple guys to go with me that consistently kill big bulls just to see what I’m not doing I get into the elk and do very well but they are still doing something I’m not and I wanna know what it is even offering to just hunt my area they don’t want to think they are worried it will lead to me wanting to go with them next when I could care less

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I had a friend who got excited about his first big game kill and posted on social media his friggin' OnX map tracks through the entire spot, with hunt unit, landmark names, everything. Some one could follow in his exact footsteps if they wanted to.
I had a friend who got excited about his first big game kill and posted on social media his friggin' OnX map tracks through the entire spot, with hunt unit, landmark names, everything. Some one could follow in his exact footsteps if they wanted to.
What always makes me laugh is, yeah sure they could. But they probably won't find a big one. I've hunted areas where friends have shot monsters, and I haven't shot one. It's so silly. Of course dummies are going to follow where they see big guys getting shot. But chances are they aren't going to find anything. It's not like many (if any) secret spots still exist where I know I can go get a huge one but nobody else does.
Something about his story did not make sense because I pay very close attention to the units and season openings for type 6 tags. When we got back to camp I went over my notes, and realized the unit and seasons did not match, and I did not see a tag on the animal. Not sure if the guy took the animal out of season or shot it else where.
Not trying to be rude, but it's absolutely none of your GD business where or when he shot it if he's travelling on paved roads at a gas station. If you saw something illegal in the field, that's another matter, but interrogating him at a gas station is out of line.
"I know a guy with a bunch of private land."

Ends the conversation 100% of the time, and it isn't a lie, although I've never in my life stepped foot on said guys land. Works for deer, elk, waterfowl, you name it.

Let them be the leading 3 letters of assumption for even asking.


If I drew a LE tag, I'd probably be a lot looser with information because lets face it, most of those tags take years to draw. Its not like its an area I hunt regularly

Otherwise, its a very general area. Eastern Washington. Missouri Breaks. Near Lake Chelan. Even if my spot is 50 miles away it doesn't really matter and usually gets me out of further explanation.

In all honesty, as a person trying to glean spots off of people you run into, you'd do much better asking at mom and pop gas stations/shops than asking hunters. We're gonna lie 100% of the time if we've killed anything(or see prior - we're gonna give a non-specific area). This should also serve as a warning to hunters who might speak to those folks - a lot of them have really loose lips. Some will straight up tell you where animals are, some will parrot what other hunters have told them.
We were driving to town with a quartered up cow elk in the back of my truck one morning when a group of hunters flagged us down to talk. They asked if we had seen anything and we told them no as we still had tags to fill. We got to the butcher and when I walked around my truck I see a big smear of blood on the outside of the bed, I felt like a dick. lol