Other hunters lying

Why are you asking another guy where he's hunting in the first place?
Did you also ask him for his wife's phone nunber? I mean I know some guys are in the lifestyle but usually guys won't share their lady.

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Why not require all hunters to provide a pin and air drop it to everyone who wants it?

Unsure why folks get their britches in a knot if someone does not divulge 100% verifiable information.

Guess it’s too hard to just say “Congratulations!”. But it’s pretty easy to judge others and call them liars when you don’t like the “information” that they provide.
My father makes me talk to him and give him some advice. The biggest thing I told him was to not tell anyone where he was hunting and if he killed something to crop pictures. I stressed secrecy more than anything. Who does he take with him? His buddy from Denver who has a brother who is a full-time resident and fishing guide in the same flipping unit he's hunting! WTF.

The good news is that they didn't see any elk and I doubt they'll be back.
It looks like his buddy's brother knows how to keep his flap shut and doesn't care if his bro gets anything.
Where do you fish? In the surf.
I have spots I routinely hammer fish at but it’s not an invitation.
There’s a very well respected backpacker who has accomplished a lot in thru hiking and also is seen as an authority by those in his industry.

The guy has a blog, and got into hunting a few years ago. Anyway, he posts specific information down to his GPS tracks and waypoints.

Someone asked him why he would do this, and also pointed out that it’s inconsiderate of other hunters who hunt the same areas he does. His response was something to the affect that because a lot of people rely on him for accurate and unbiased information, and because he hunts past where 95% of people/hunters would go, he feels like he wants to be truthful.

I disagree with him about giving too many specifics, but I will say that he has defended hunting and called people hypocrites who eat meat, but don’t approve of hunting. Anyway, maybe this guy will eventually stop mentioning specifics as he gains more experience in hunting, but he’s been successful because he’s a puts a lot of effort into his hunts and is a very accomplished backpacker.

Anyway, he obviously sees answering questions and giving specifics a lot differently than a lot of us.
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There’s a very well respected backpacker who has accomplished a lot in thru hiking and also is seen as an authority by those in his industry.

The guy has a blog, and got into hunting a few years ago. Anyway, he posts specific information down to his GPS tracks and waypoints.

Someone asked him why he would do this, and also pointed out that it’s inconsiderate of other hunters who hunt the same areas he does. His response was something to the affect that because a lot of people rely on him for accurate and unbiased information, and because he hunts past where 95% of people/hunters would go, he feels like he wants to be truthful.

I disagree with him about giving too many specifics, but I will say that he has defended hunting and called people hypocrites who eat meat, but don’t approve of hunting. Anyway, maybe this guy will eventually stop mentioning specifics as he gains more experience in hunting, but he’s been successful because he’s a puts a lot of effort into his hunts and is a very accomplished backpacker.

Anyway, he obviously sees answering questions and giving specifics a lot differently than a lot of us.
I know the guy you are talking about. I like reading his stuff.
“Throwinoff”, The old fashioned term we have been using for those who dare ask where you kilt em or caught em, a skill set that is worthy of development !

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Saw a couple of very large bull racks in the back of a truck at a gas station in Colorado this year on my way back to the airport (empty handed). Guy came walking back to his truck and I said "Nice bulls!". He said thanks and stopped to talk. I just asked "Did you get those with OTC tags?" He said "no, landowner tags". Said one grossed 380 and the other was 360, and I don't think he was lying about any of it!
Saw a couple of very large bull racks in the back of a truck at a gas station in Colorado this year on my way back to the airport (empty handed). Guy came walking back to his truck and I said "Nice bulls!". He said thanks and stopped to talk. I just asked "Did you get those with OTC tags?" He said "no, landowner tags". Said one grossed 380 and the other was 360, and I don't think he was lying about any of it!

High fence landowner tags.

No bulls that big in Co
This all comes down to respect. You maybe ok with giving away secrets, but it's not really cool to the guys who have spent years learning those secrets. I'm no expert but I'll share my knowledge with anyone I have a real relationship with. I just always think, is this respectful to other hunters, the land, and the animals.

That's how I learned. I never asked anyone for anything. But, once you develop relationships people will take you out and show you their spots, they'll send waypoints, they'll provide very specific info. To me that's the best part of hunting. Without the relationships ramming through the woods is fun, but it's missing one of the pillars of hunting.
I have a 30 year long local hunting buddy kills deer & elk often, he sees more game with less work than anyone I know. His shooting skills mean that past 200 yards all but unlucky animals are safe. And based on his lack of desire to climb I had no qualms sharing my best CO spot. He has missed 2 bulls in the 2 times he went there. The rotten SOB won’t share a single spot in the adjacent unit in CO. Something about having guys who can shoot as competition is not appealing to him.
I have a 30 year long local hunting buddy kills deer & elk often, he sees more game with less work than anyone I know. His shooting skills mean that past 200 yards all but unlucky animals are safe. And based on his lack of desire to climb I had no qualms sharing my best CO spot. He has missed 2 bulls in the 2 times he went there. The rotten SOB won’t share a single spot in the adjacent unit in CO. Something about having guys who can shoot as competition is not appealing to him.
Use the old reverse lie and talk about how you might as well throw your rifle at the elk any further than 150y.
My hunting partner and I glassed some elk one evening. We went up the mountain the following day. We never found the elk but saw no less than 10 bucks, 3 of which were freaking smokers. We made a pact to never tell anyone nor take another person on that mountain.

We have both killed great bucks each year for the last 4 years.

Two years ago we saw two other guys up there. They said they hadn’t seen any deer and we said neither had we. We were all lying 🙂.
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The only people I don’t lie to about where I’ve killed critters or caught fish is game wardens, people who’ve given me intel on the area, and other trappers or prospective trappers in the area.

Someone asked me at the gas station this year where I killed my antelope and said a unit in SW Idaho that is 200 miles from my location. Obviously he knew I was full of shit but point is don’t ask don’t tell.

Spouting off or posting shit to social media and even these types of forums with an obvious background and providing units ruins lots of people’s favorite spots every year.