The mandate is for people on welfare also correct? Since I can’t flip burgers next to someone else without being vaxed and getting them sick, I’m sure I can’t hand burgers and fries across the counter without the unvaxed welfare recipient getting me sick. Even though I’m vaxed of course. My vax doesn’t protect me, so they better vax up. Do you guys think theirs will protect me? I’m scared now. Everyone needs the vax to protect me. That must be how these ones work. The vax isn’t for the person getting it. It’s for all the people around you that are vaxed and wearing a mask also.
And screw those antibodies. This virus totally disregards them. Otherwise the gov, cdc, who, news, etc would be telling us to test for them until we don’t have them anymore right? Obviously this virus is a bad mofo since natural antibodies don’t work.
I just can’t wrap my head around the stupidity of it all.