OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

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This is a garbage as hell comparison.

Comparing black segregation to vaccination? GTFO
Sometimes violating basic human rights like healthcare, ability to work and feed yourself and family and discrimination is a good thing.

Depends on what side of the political aisle you’re on I guess. Ironic the highest unvaxxed demographic are African Americans. Amazing Americans support this facism and racism again
In regards to testing; if a federal contractor, there is no option according to the documentation provided by my company.
I also have noticed it only takes a handful of people have ruin everything for everyone and more importantly they have figured that out as well. This is where the rubber meets the road though, if they get what they want covid passports are coming. A B.C. hunt may never happen for guys like me, it won’t be a stretch for state to state travel to be halted next. How far down the line of the loss of personal liberties do you think hunting will fall, we all know the mindset of the people pushing this garbage.

One other note, this isn’t the typical republican vs democrat issue, it a common people vs the elites, we just need to convince the common people they other guys aren’t looking after their best interest.
I think this is a pretty valid point. I think as Americans we take A LOT for granted. We look at other places and think, that's over there, never happen here. This is certainly a wake up call for me, and it doesn't even directly affect me yet. It probably will my wife though. I'm just a very average middle aged family guy and I'm having to think about things I've never considered in my life. It sure as hell isn't about petting puppies. I find little solace know I'm not alone in that.

I just listened to the book Red Roulette about a Chinese entrepreneur that details some of the corruption in their gov't. I'd highly recommend it. We're not there yet but parallels aren't difficult to find.
Typical gov't incompetence. The date to start is past by the time they issue the edict.
Not to mention my company is still reviewing the religious exemptions. So that means if they say no and you choose to vax, it will have to be the J&J or go on unpaid admin leave until two weeks after the second dose of the other two.
Even with these forced governmental mandates, I'm sure there are still enough sheep dogs left in America to foil their plans. They don't care whether the wolves get vaccinated, and they know all the sheep will definitely get vaccinated, and they also know that a portion of the sheep dogs will get vaccinated to keep their jobs and keep supporting their families. All they're concerned about are the sheep dogs that continue to resist and defy their orders. Why do you think all the media outlets are silencing us? And they'll continue to come up with new ways to "try" to force us into line.......by making our lives miserable or taking a direct assault to us. Resist, stand, and fight........at all costs. (y)
Even with these forced governmental mandates, I'm sure there are still enough sheep dogs left in America to foil their plans. They don't care whether the wolves get vaccinated, and they know all the sheep will definitely get vaccinated, and they also know that a portion of the sheep dogs will get vaccinated to keep their jobs and keep supporting their families. All they're concerned about are the sheep dogs that continue to resist and defy their orders. Why do you think all the media outlets are silencing us? And they'll continue to come up with new ways to "try" to force us into line.......by making our lives miserable or taking a direct assault to us. Resist, stand, and fight........at all costs. (y)
Very likely
People who think I have to take a vaccine to keep them safe should
probably just stay home.
Right, because everyone needs to make space for you and just disregard their need to earn a living, keep their family safe and lead a normal life, all while not contributing to the economy. Just so you aren't inconvenienced in the least. Makes perfect sense.
Right, because everyone needs to make space for you and just disregard their need to earn a living, keep their family safe and lead a normal life, all while not contributing to the economy. Just so you aren't inconvenienced in the least. Makes perfect sense.
Wait, I thought vaccines protect people. Why would you need to stay home because you are afraid of the unvaxxed?
Even with these forced governmental mandates, I'm sure there are still enough sheep dogs left in America to foil their plans. They don't care whether the wolves get vaccinated, and they know all the sheep will definitely get vaccinated, and they also know that a portion of the sheep dogs will get vaccinated to keep their jobs and keep supporting their families. All they're concerned about are the sheep dogs that continue to resist and defy their orders. Why do you think all the media outlets are silencing us? And they'll continue to come up with new ways to "try" to force us into line.......by making our lives miserable or taking a direct assault to us. Resist, stand, and fight........at all costs. (y)
Went to school for 6 years to get my degree. Have been working in the field for 3 years. About to get canned for no vax.

That's annoying.
Don't let newt get to you. It's uncomfortable to be forced to choose, but there's so many affected that it won't be too long before some crazy muffler shop owner busts out of his shop with a dozer....and half of America jumps in to help.

This thing is about to be a civil war if they don't get busy.
The mandate is for people on welfare also correct? Since I can’t flip burgers next to someone else without being vaxed and getting them sick, I’m sure I can’t hand burgers and fries across the counter without the unvaxed welfare recipient getting me sick. Even though I’m vaxed of course. My vax doesn’t protect me, so they better vax up. Do you guys think theirs will protect me? I’m scared now. Everyone needs the vax to protect me. That must be how these ones work. The vax isn’t for the person getting it. It’s for all the people around you that are vaxed and wearing a mask also.

And screw those antibodies. This virus totally disregards them. Otherwise the gov, cdc, who, news, etc would be telling us to test for them until we don’t have them anymore right? Obviously this virus is a bad mofo since natural antibodies don’t work.

I just can’t wrap my head around the stupidity of it all.
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