Oregon Raffle Tag 2013

Sep 22, 2013
So no tag soup for you! One year!!

MJ from Oregon

MJ from Oregon

Feb 29, 2012
Southern Oregon
Last May I was at my Daughters State Equestrian Meet when my friend called from the Oregon Hunters State Convention and told me "You drew the Southeast Deer Tag" Knowing how Brogan and I like to mess with each other I played along with it. Then my phone started to blow up with others calling me to share the same info.

Not really knowing that part of the State I started asking others for info. Brogan stated that he knew the right guys for this to be a successful hunt.

Fast forwarding to November......Brogan introduced me to a friend that we both share now name Kerry. Kerry had some amazing information on this part of our State and I was very excited to see what was in store.

After a couple days hunting we were seeing some great bucks 160'' to 185'' but nothing that really excited me.

November 9th 3:30 PM
We spotted about 20 deer down on a flat and there was one buck I wanted to get a better look at so we went in for a closer look. The only problem was when we got there we were going to be point blank range. We stalked on down and got to the hidden little flat where these deer were moving through and the buck we went down for was no where around. Brogan spotted him a little while longer and the buck was probably a 170'' 4x4 about 26'' wide. We decided to get out of there and on our way back out brogan spotted some deer and I said "BUCK". He was only 75 to 80 yards from us. I pulled up my 15x56 Bino's and Brogan is whispering "KILL THIS DEER". As I'm still glassing him I ask Kerry "Is this the one I should kill" Brogan says again very excited "Kill this Deer" Still the bino's are glued to my eyes. At this range with 15's I could not get the full effect of how giant this deer really was. Kerry says "Just look at him" When I finally pulled the bino's down I about fell over. I knew he had a couple cheaters and a 3x4 main frame but under this pressure it is difficult to make a split decision that is going to end this season. So I asked again to both " Is this the one I should take" Brogan replies "Its your decision" Kerry replied " Your going to make that decision" I'm feeling pressure now. The buck is 80 yards standing broadside I talking which I never do hunting in close range and I need help making up my mind. So I ask again with the same response as last time. I finally get my 7WSM set up and I asked again while setting up to harvest him. No answer......They made the right decision letting me decide on my own but under this pressure to shoot something wrong is huge. I chambered a round placed the safety on fire and fired. The buck did the stand on the front legs and mule kicked. I watched him run out of sight and stood up and told both Kerry and Brogan " TOO LATE NOW" "We are done".

I felt a huge relief of pressure. I wanted to take every advantage I had and give this tag the respect it deserves.

Thanks to Access and Habitat for this opportunity and 2 Good Friends that made it happen for me also. Without them this buck never would have been harvested. I am truly blessed with the wife that I share my life with and a wonderful Daughter that supports me in all my adventures. I AM TRULY BLESSED!!! Thank you Lord....Amen

Last edited:
Sep 24, 2013
Magnificent buck. Glad it went so well for you. Nice to have friends that help out in so many ways.