Oregon hunting guide killed by accidental discharge

If anyone with a reasonable amount of experience around firearms claims to have never violated a single firearm safety principle...they're lying.

I appreciate this.

This thread has low key cancel culture vibes that the internet context is built/tends to encourage.

Who has never - ever - looked at a phone screen while driving? If you have, then you’ve missed the infinitesimal and yet mathematically possible chance of hitting a pedestrian because of that negligence. I’ve been certainly been guilty of glancing at my phone.

Sometimes the math catches up.

The most firearms safety anal man I know had a gun discharge while hunting due to loose clothing and a button while in the final feet of a stalk. Luckily, he was practicing muzzle discipline. He’s not a bad person because of it, he’s not willfully negligent, and an instructor or buddy would not have had occasion to chastise him prior to the moment of.

To say things are preventable is to state the obvious. To say anything can and will happen is similar.

In the end, keep your standards high, and offer the next guy a little grace, is my .02.
If anyone knew Jon Nichols, A go fund me page has been setup to help his widow. Anyone interested in helping out can send me a message and I will send you the link. I haven't heard anymore info on what the DA is doing or talked to his widow, but I know come payday I'm going to contribute as I grew up with him.
I wonder if the rifle was an older Remington Model 700 with the Walker trigger. They will discharge when opening or closing the bolt or releasing the safety on occasion without a trigger pull. Remington received 5 reports a week for 28 years on average of it happening.