Get an InReach, Zolio, or something similar. Let family or close friends know where you are going and leave a trip plan. Take a good first aid kit and I’m not talking about Band-Aids. It should include a tourniquet, a quick clot style bandage, perhaps an Israeli bandage, and anti-inflammatories or pain medication. Know how to use the stuff in your kit. Then, be confident hunting solo. And hunting solo takes practice. You will not feel comfortable doing it overnight. It takes time. The more time you spend in the woods alone, the more you will be comfortable relying on yourself. Remind yourself that you are the Apex predator. You were smarter, and more capable of surviving and anything else in the woods. If you feel comfortable having a sidearm, know how to use it, and it’s legal where you are, it might provide you with a boost of confidence for those what if scenarios with other predators. The reality of you getting attacked hunting alone by a cat or a bear is extremely slim. It’s good to be concerned and wise but it should not keep you from hunting solo. There are many benefits to hunting alone. You can go at your own pace, you know what is your sound vs. the sound coming from the woods - not the buddy behind you who is taking steps while you are wanting to stop and listen, grabbing stuff out of his pack at the worst time, or breaking sticks because he’s tired and not paying attention. Hunting alone, which I do most often, is when I am much more in tune with nature. My survival instincts kick in and I am more prepared and more ready than with a partner. Putting an animal on the ground and packing it out solo is very rewarding and icing on the cake.
Lastly, you should read a few books on Daniel Boone. I am being serious. That is a man who loved to spend time alone in the woods and when you think about the things that he and others like him did, and In Grizz country with a weapon far inferior to what we have today, you will realize that humankind is that the top of the chain and we are tougher than we often give ourselves credit for it. Especially when prepared.