OPTIC TIME STUCK!Need all the insight I can get!


Nov 1, 2022
So here’s the deal. I have been budgeting and reading and then reading and budgeting and I am stuck like no other about this issue here. I have saved around $2000 for optics over the past year and am wanting to purchase some things for this coming up archery elk season here in Colorado. While this year I’ll be archery elk I always rifle elk/mule deer depending on the year. I currently own a pair of 12x50 Vortex diamondback binos that are good. Not great. But was able to find the elk fairly good last year even though eyes felt like I was swimming in a chlorine pool. I’m stuck itching for a spotting scope and not sure if I should throw more money toward a spotter and keep current binos or upgrade binos and cheaper spotter.
I do get a crazy deal on vortex optics as something to consider here my results have lead me to these ideas.

Keep binoculars & get one below:

Kowa 554/664/774
Athlon Ares G2 UHD 20-60


Or upgrade binos to the vortex razor HD/ POSSIBLE UHD & get one of the following below:

Vortex razor 11-33 straight little guy
Athlon Ares g2 15-45.

I’ve read every single review under the sun and just dont have the experience on these optics or insight to decide. Would love to have all of your guys input. Even if it’s another brand or idea. My thoughts are spend the money now and have something that will last. Thanks in advance everyone.

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Just get the best binos you can afford.

Vortex is overpriced for quality. We did side by side comparisons in the field this year and vortex seemed to be at least $500 more compared to the glass that it was performing the same as

Buy a used pair of swaros
I went from 12x50 diamondbacks to Maven B2 9x45. Best money I've spent.
I would recommend talking to Doug at cameraland and he will set you up.

How did you like going from 12x to 9x? I really really liked the 12x on tripod outside of tripod it’s hard to look for long but was able to find elk my buddy with 10x42 diamondbacks couldn’t find.

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I’d blow the entire load on a pair of Swarovski 10x42 SLC or EL’s. Shopping every day for Demo models till I found them.
Wouldn’t even consider anything not top 3 glass.
I’ve owned several of the other stuff, and I’ve sold a few sets of Swaro’s by letting folks look through mine for a while.
I’d blow the entire load on a pair of Swarovski 10x42 SLC or EL’s. Shopping every day for Demo models till I found them.
Wouldn’t even consider anything not top 3 glass.
I’ve owned several of the other stuff, and I’ve sold a few sets of Swaro’s by letting folks look through mine for a while.

Have a preference on the SLC vs EL’s and any particular reason you prefer 10x42 over a 12x?

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I have the SLC’s and chose them over the EL’s just due to feel, familiarity, and tripod stud mounting. They were an ounce or two lighter as well, and cheaper.

Really the two are so close as to not matter, just pick what your preference suggests.

I believe 10x to be the most versatile magnification. If I lived and hunted only open prairie I might choose more magnification, but probably not due to the larger size and weight.
Brand loyalty is hamstringing you big time.

My buddy has the vortex 12x uhd's he didn't believe me that my noctos were letting me see what I was seeing....so I handed them to him.

He was bummed.

Vortex binos are about the okayest option sold at a premium price....imo.

As said, sell what you have and buy good binos.
Brand loyalty is hamstringing you big time.

My buddy has the vortex 12x uhd's he didn't believe me that my noctos were letting me see what I was seeing....so I handed them to him.

He was bummed.

Vortex binos are about the okayest option sold at a premium price....imo.

As said, sell what you have and buy good binos.

I have zero brand loyalty just a steep discount. I appreciate the input on this! Ill be on the search for a better option.

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You can hunt without a spotter. You can't hunt without binos. I'd buy a pair of 10x42 el's new or used and start your savings process all over again for a spotter. Once you have your forever binos you'll never have to worry about buying binos ever again.
I would say you can get a lot of bang for your buck in the 1k range but if you are like me, you will want to try those top teir. So with that I would like at the top. I would stick to 10x or 8x for power if you are going to hand hold. This will give you also the biggest field of view. After that investment, then go to tripod and after that the spotter.

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