OPTIC TIME STUCK!Need all the insight I can get!

The way you're qualifying for your steep vortex discount probably also qualifies you for a discount with meopta and zeiss, both of which are way better glass, outright and for the $.

The first and biggest western hunting investment I made was zeiss victory 10-42s, they're spectacular, and I have no regrets.
Recommend 10x over the 12x? If so any particular reason?

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If using as a dedicated tripod glass a 12x may be a slightly better choice. However, most folks use a bino as a mainly hand-held device or at least 50/50. That being the case the 12x doesn’t really offer any advantage as most of us have too much hand-shake to pull greater detail than we can from a 10x. In my experience the 10x is the better choice for how the vast majority of hunters use binoculars. Also, for 42mm and smaller objective binoculars 12x will degrade some optical properties and transmission.
The way you're qualifying for your steep vortex discount probably also qualifies you for a discount with meopta and zeiss, both of which are way better glass, outright and for the $.

The first and biggest western hunting investment I made was zeiss victory 10-42s, they're spectacular, and I have no regrets.
Spot on. There are many great options in the ~$2k range. if a veteran or first responder the discount programs available make those options even broader.
Echo what other have said. Don’t buy anything besides the best, even if it’s used. Since you’re reading reviews, you’re going to read plenty that say “these are just as good as swaro/Zeiss/Leica at % of the price!!”
Don’t listen to this. The truth is, they aren’t as good and at the end of the day you’ll still be left wanting. Im not advocating to blow your budget but with the amount you’ve saved and the used/discount options out there, you can get into a pair of alpha binos.
Been down this road....I was lucky enough to borrow ELs, EL Range, Zeiss Victory, Zeiss Conquest, and Vortex Razor (all 10x) all at the same time and try them next to my Viper HDs for a few days. I had been very successful with my vipers and it was challenging to ignore brands when I had 3 tripods in front of me. Another time I was able to try SLCs and 2 different Leica models for an extended time before I made my decision. I also made a point to pick up and get outside with every pair of ELs and SLCs that I found at dealers as I was definitely leaning Swarovski. It was a process, but even with various discounts for this or that, some very deep, and my wife's blessing to get it over with already, I bought the SLCs. Every pair that I picked up was just right for my eyes - no fuss they just fit and looked perfect every time.

Try as many as you can and see what is the best for your eyes, face, hands, etc.