Opinion time... Problem or...?

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Mar 4, 2013
Somebody call the whambulance.

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Sep 11, 2017
Bozeman, MT
Okhotnik posted this above -
"They shoot song birds, chipmunks, foxes , non legal deer etc. Anything that flies, crawls, slithers, swims is fair game."

I can't speak for the last ten years but for many years prior to that, this is exactly what I saw. Eight to ten Hmong hunters with single shot shotguns walking down through an area and killing everything. A simple call to Fish and Game isn't as simple as that. I made calls, as well as other people I know, and all I got was, "we'll pass it on to the game warden". That time of year wardens are busy and often nowhere near or not able to respond.
I doubt if the guys in the pictures are these type of guys as they appear to be a group of legal hunters enjoying what all of us do. Unfortunately the ones I referred to above have made a bad impression so I understand what the OP is concerned about. If a group of hunters, regardless of race, is hunting legal then more power to them.
I will say this about the ones I saw and it in no way justifies what they were doing - they ate every single thing they shot. I was in a couple of their camps trying to talk to them but the language barrier prevented me from accomplishing anything but this is all first hand info.
If law enforcement doesn't respond to a call like that, I don't even know what to say about that. That is literally their job. Completely screwed. Can you not get the wardens number directly in your area? We all have our local warden's personal contact info here...

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Jul 20, 2018
Just for some insight; what I guess the O.p is most concerned with here is the new M.O for the group of 30

6 good shooters take a shooting position on a ridge overlooking the escape route
12 ok shooters get to walk up the finger ridges
12 new guys or bad shots walk the brush shooting anything
Squirrels, quail, deer. Bear etc. Ince these guys reach the top of the ridge they'll call to the shoot team to move to fp2 once in position they make another drive.

This never seems to penetrate the second ridge because around lunch it's time to walk out and set up cook camp

It can be a tool to help funnel deer into back country... its definitely a circus to behold.

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Sounds like a shitshow that I'd want no part of. I can understand why it would bother other hunters.


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
My understanding is that there were serious problems with the first generation of Hmong immigrants not caring about game laws, considering what they escaped then that probably wasn't high on their list of priorities and while wrong it's somewhat understandable.

I don't know about the new generations but so long as they do obey game laws then the land is theirs as well and I'm glad to see them using it responsibly.

If we are going to hold people responsible for the sins of their fathers (which we shouldn't) then we better be prepared to look in the mirror and remember who almost wiped out all of the wild game in North America in the first place.

If group hunting is a serious problem and it begins to effect game populations then the game agencies need to do their part and limit it.

If the problem is just "those other people" out there on "our land" then there are deeper issues at play.


Jul 11, 2019
Lived in Minn. for awhile working on transit tunnels. You could go by a lake close to the cities and there'd be a 12' boat with 6-8 or more in it fishing the lake clean, any thing they caught was kept, city parks don't have a song bird one in them any longer.
They care nothing about our laws just take what they want regardless of size, just eatable


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Make poaching white again... as long as it’s not the freakin’ Amish. They don’t count.

I’m guessing some of you guys have never seen a community deer drive in WI or a traditional deer dogging camp in SC. Visit the mountains of Western NC during bear season sometime when a group of hunters let 50-60 dogs loose and then spend a weekend driving FS roads dukes of Hazzard style in squads of trucks tracking them


Dec 8, 2018
If law enforcement doesn't respond to a call like that, I don't even know what to say about that. That is literally their job. Completely screwed. Can you not get the wardens number directly in your area? We all have our local warden's personal contact info here...

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The wardens don’t speak Hmong .
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
You know what bothers me more than Hmong group hunting deer? Dudes running shorthairs or Drathaars or, (gasp!) pointing labs, on wild bobwhite quail. Friggin' sloped forehead neanderthals. They probably fry the breasts and don't even keep the legs. Animals. And don't even get me started on pump action or autoloading shotguns.


Apr 1, 2018
I might take flak for this, but my opinion is this: if it's legal, then it's ethical.

Don't get me wrong. One can certainly choose to hold oneself to a "higher" ethical standard (if that's how you see it) than the law mandates, but it's silly to hold others to the same arbitrary standard. Shooting bedded deer? Shooting waterfowl on the ground or water? If it's legal, then you have no business getting on other people's case about it. Have a problem with the law? Then try to get it changed - but don't badmouth law-abiding hunters.

Having a big hunting camp is legal, so I see nothing wrong with the pictures you've posted.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
You know what bothers me more than Hmong group hunting deer? Dudes running shorthairs or Drathaars or, (gasp!) pointing labs, on wild bobwhite quail. Friggin' sloped forehead neanderthals. They probably fry the breasts and don't even keep the legs. Animals. And don't even get me started on pump action or autoloading shotguns.

Growing up on the MS flyway, the hunting sub group I hate the most are snotty-ass, upper class duck hunters who pride themselves on killing a 1,000 ducks a season and have never even eaten a duck, pay annual hunting club dues upwards of $250,000, and have “Duck pits” complete with private chefs and SEC football on the big screen.
Jun 15, 2016
To all the young hunters out there, this is a good example of why you should stop buying IPAs, flatbills, bracelets, and the latest rifle....save up and buy your own land so you don't have to worry about how other people hunt.


Aug 30, 2018
woodpile, Commiefornia
Just wanted to see the opinions of others on the subject.
Opinions based on fact and real life experience is what I'm really looking for here. Others should have their eyes and ears open to an issue they can only speculate on.
It seems like there are more guys not grasping on to what I'm saying here, I think those guys simply don't have the experience with these folks that I have. Haven't seen them "using our public lands responsibly". And don't know just how f'd up fish and game practices are here in California.
When you allot 35000 Otc tags for an area and they all sell out and game harvest numbers don't greatly increase, there's a sign that the state wants your money knowing there's not the available resources to harvest. (A reason that thirty guys only killed a couple bucks that weekend of the pics.)

When you see these guys driving the nf with guns drawn out the window on beef cows...

When you drive 30 or more miles through the nf and don't see a single deer, squirrel or quail...

When you pull up at o dark thirty to take your son on his first deer hunt and the area you've scouted prior to the hunt has 10-15 Toyota pickups and 4Runners parked there...

When an area is so overrun with these guys that an access by permit only process has to be put in place... I.e. Knoxville wa...

When you call fish and wildlife to report the issues you see and you don't get a call back...

When you've hunted California for most your life and had to find a new spot every other year or every other weekend because there's 20-30 guys in a group pushing out the canyon you wanted to glass or have scouted...

Or when you have a downed deer and there's a group of these guys on radios, firing .22s, and yelling amongst themselves and you get to your deer and there's someone standing over it that speaks no English and looks at you like "this is your deer?"...

Everyones entitled to their opinions and I asked for them but don't look at me like I'm the bad guy or that I'm not a successful hunter on account of these guys being out there using our public lands "responsibly".

When you've dealt with this type of activity first hand, only then will you be in the same place of frustration as I am.
I'm looking to open eyes to truths about wildlife management practices and hunter ethics in California, few here seem to think these things are an issue but that is the issue, not racism or cultural differences. Not that buck should have been mine. None of that stuff.
My opinion is based only on what I've seen or been told by guys I hunt with and not speculation. Aside from setting up scenarios to try to explain what I mean in lamens terms all the things I've said here are based on my experiences.
It's interesting to read the replys here, you can tell where the guys mind is on the subject and not even have to reply.

My ultimate goal in this discussion is to have something that I can take to fish and game, or whatever level of govt or whoever will listen, to try to help solve the impact the Hmong culture and gross mismanagement is having on California's wildlife.


Jul 20, 2018
God forbid anyone criticize anything a non-white person does these days. The racism card can't be played fast enough. Virtue signaling, woke white people are worst offenders.

Had the OP featured a picture of a group of white guys, I'd bet my paycheck this thread's comments would be very different.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
This is funny.

They have a deer camp and folks are whining.

If they have tags and are within the local rules, what ha gonna do?

So you want to change the rules to exclude folks from hunting? We have enough problems without introducing more rules cause you don't agree.

Google Amish hunting and see all the whiners who dont like the Amish.

Then get a grip.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
OP, I think it's okay for your to be frustrated, I just think you may be pointing it in the wrong direction (or we have interpreted incorrectly). You are right to be frustrated with F&G and/or elected officials that have hogtied them.
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