I started with OnX, fought weird glitches and crashes and loading issues with multiple phones (all iPhones). When it worked it was perfect, but half the time I would fight issues with it crashing constantly and losing/not saving waypoints and such.
I purchased goHUNT back in 2020 and used them both through the season locally. Ended up canceling OnX after the season. GoHunt’s stability has been better, it has more analysis and mapping features, and is a much much MUCH better value per dollar. $120 for goHUNT a year gets me all the maps I could ever need, plus all their points tracking and out of state data broke down. It’s really simplified even just applications in my home state, let alone out of state. And all the maps come with every membership. We took a church group to Grand Teton national park and I didn’t have to remember to buy access to Wyoming to have maps like I would have with OnX. I just had it on my phone already.
OnX charges $30 per state, or $100 for the entire US. And zero filtering or draw odds. If you spend time in two states other than your own home state at any time, plus hunt out of state, goHUNT is a no freakin brainer. If you ONLY ever hunt or spend time in your home state, then maybe a full GoHUNT membership isn’t for you.
That said, now goHUNT has their explorer membership, which is maps only for $50 for all the US. So even there they kill onX with value.
Having used both in field, goHUNT wins out. The only thing onX has on goHUNT is the quality of their base map images, and the edge is slight. Everything else, goHUNT wins IMO.