OnX vs GoHunt?


Oct 18, 2022
Currently use OnX, however GoHunt's terrain features look appealing. Looking for some insight for people with experience using both.
i'm currently in process of switching. picture quality is better on OnX. each have features that are unique to each but honestly Gohunt is nice to have everything that is offered on one website. I always find myself using google earth to do most scouting and transferring files over to the hunting Apps anyway. if you get insider with Gohunt save yourself some money and drop Onx if you're only going for maps, keep ONx
I started with OnX, fought weird glitches and crashes and loading issues with multiple phones (all iPhones). When it worked it was perfect, but half the time I would fight issues with it crashing constantly and losing/not saving waypoints and such.

I purchased goHUNT back in 2020 and used them both through the season locally. Ended up canceling OnX after the season. GoHunt’s stability has been better, it has more analysis and mapping features, and is a much much MUCH better value per dollar. $120 for goHUNT a year gets me all the maps I could ever need, plus all their points tracking and out of state data broke down. It’s really simplified even just applications in my home state, let alone out of state. And all the maps come with every membership. We took a church group to Grand Teton national park and I didn’t have to remember to buy access to Wyoming to have maps like I would have with OnX. I just had it on my phone already.

OnX charges $30 per state, or $100 for the entire US. And zero filtering or draw odds. If you spend time in two states other than your own home state at any time, plus hunt out of state, goHUNT is a no freakin brainer. If you ONLY ever hunt or spend time in your home state, then maybe a full GoHUNT membership isn’t for you.

That said, now goHUNT has their explorer membership, which is maps only for $50 for all the US. So even there they kill onX with value.

Having used both in field, goHUNT wins out. The only thing onX has on goHUNT is the quality of their base map images, and the edge is slight. Everything else, goHUNT wins IMO.
As far as maps in the field go, I definitely prefer OnX. However, GoHunt Insider is very useful when applying every year and I like their maps on the computer just a little bit more. I often find myself using both side by side as both have their pros and cons.

I will say, OnX has been implementing a lot into their premium subscription to match GoHunt's business model. I haven't checked it out yet though to see if it is worth totally switching to OnX
I use OnX year round from scouting new land, walking trails, hunting, fishing, etc. …. Overlays are great. I would recommend it as well.
Had both, cancelled Go Hunt. Was ok, just used to OnX since I have had and used it since the beginning.
Hey folks, lot of good information and insight in this thread so far. I did want to jump in to highlight a couple of onX features that might not be as well known.

First is our Terrain-X feature that we released earlier this year. This is our terrain analysis tool that lets you filter by elevation, slope aspect, and slope angle. It also includes our new Viewshed tool that we're pretty excited about. If you have an Elite Membership, log onto the onX Web Map, click Elite Tools on the left hand side and then click Terrain-X to check it out. you can learn more here: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt/blog/walk-through-terrainx (Note: We are still in the beta testing phase of this feature, so any and all feedback is welcome.)

Also available in the Elite Tools is Top Rut. This is our tag application tool that shows you unit information as well as draw odds. Not as applicable in August, but something to keep in mind and check out once application season rolls around this winter. We're working to add more states and features to Top Rut and we also welcome any feedback you have on that.
Ive used all OnX and basemap for quite a few years, and gohunt since they released it. I did prefer basemap for a season or 2, but at this point its OnX and everyone else. Between the touch to measure line distance, the compass mode with the range line and bearing, terrain x, trail cam integration, recent imagery and other layers... theres been a pretty good set of updates to the onx app this year.
I use GOHUNT at home for escouting, but only use ONX in the field.
Ditto. GoHunt is great for planning and scouting on a computer. Field functionality on a phone is rough. It can never decide whether to be online or offline unless the phone is on airplane, and lags badly when finding location. OnX is better in the field, and FatMap is better yet for navigation when property lines aren't needed.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
onX primarily for navigation and e-scouting. I do use GoHunt but more so for finding hunt tags to apply for. GH has some good terrain features but it's just TMI to process, a little too nerdy and too much minutiae for me.
Historically used exclusively onX and still do but added gohunt to my arsenal. Both have great features and it's probably the cheapest thing I buy for hunting in a year... Try them both and see what works best for you. I will say the elevation and slope tools are great on both, and the beta version of tool that lets you drop a pin and shows what terrain you can see from that point seems amazing for a hunt that focuses heavily on glassing. Will likely continue using both. Need to see if I can import waypoints from one to the other....
They both have their pros and cons, I like the terrain analysis features of GH better (except for the viewshed, that goes to OnX. The slope layer in OnX is money. I’m just glad they are pushing each other, they have both come a long way since GoHunt got in the game. I think OnX is chasing GoHunt for some things and GoHunt is chasing OnX for other things.
I'll echo a lot of what has been said here. Both have their pros and cons. Onx is more user friendly in a lot of cases and has better imagery. I think GoHunt has them beat with the overlays though, especially the game distribution.
+1 to everyone else, GoHunt Layers are fantastic, but the images are old and suck (for WA state.) I also couldn't get GoHunt offline maps to load on my recent elk hunt.

OnX has never failed me except in their early days, and is what everyone in my group uses, so I use it a lot too.

I actually deleted my GoHunt mobile app after returning home last week. Just not there yet.
I'm using these services backwards this year. I used the onX, Top Rut, HuntinFool combination this draw season for a month and am using GoHunt this hunting season for maps.

Regarding research, the combination of onX, Top Rut, and HuntinFool is a good value, but GoHunt is much more convenient being in one place, all nice and polished.

Regarding maps: onX is still easier for me to use. I like the e-scouting tools and new layers GoHunt offered, but in the field use I thought onX works better. This was mainly due to issues with offline maps. With onX, I had a good idea of what I was downloading the way they have three different resolutions and area you choose to download. GoHunt didn't seem to have these options. You just download the area you want and it updates the file size automatically. I was also unsure which layers were actually downloaded. All or active?

A couple of glitches/issues resulted. One, unless you are in airplane mode, GoHunt will take an extremely long time to open the offline maps. It tries way too long to load using poor signal. Two, layers would disappear between online/offline and there wasn't a clear way to revive the layer while offline. For example, there is a trail layer that gives milage between points. This was a convenient layer. At some point during use, this layer disappeared and I was never able to get it back while on the mountain.

As soon as GoHunt cleans up some of these maps issues, I think it will be the clear choice for me in years I also want to utilize their research tools.
I’ve used OnX, Gaia, Base Map, and GoHunt. I heavily prefer GAIA in the field. I do use OnX because of the crop layers and GoHunt has the terrain stuff, but OnX has that now too.

I’ve just found the flexibility in layering for a Gaia to make it look and feel much better. Every time my friends pull out their OnX to show me something, the screen kind of stresses me out.