OnX alternative


Feb 24, 2018
Just wondering if there is something out there that is the same as onX? I have been using onX for last two years and really like it but I live in Canada and was not able to renew my subscription because they no longer accept credit cards from outside the US.

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I went from OnX to Basemap. I have not figured out all the features yet but the info I have found is more complete than OnX.
Huntstand also offers similar feature set. I haven't tried Basemap yet but it seems pretty good too.
Gaia is good not sure on there new hunt maps but it’s my favorite navigation app

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I have both, if I had to pick one I'd pick Gaia. I do slightly prefer the way landowner names are displayed in OnX, and last I checked the roadless layer in Gaia wasn't working right, but both of those are minor issues.

Would be great if I could get their layers to show up within google earth. BaseMap advertised Google Earth integration which got me interested, but turns out they don't have it either.
Could you just purchase a pre paid American issued credit card? I’m sure they’d also take you payment info over the phone.
I called in and talked to them the guy I talked to was very good and tried every card I have then when he asked his supervisor or somthing and right away came back and said that they had changed there payment method and no longer except out of country cards so don't think they really care in the big picture so other than losing my saved waypoints and tracks if I can find something that dose the same sort of thing would rather go a different route

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What about buying an OnX membership from camofire or blackovis and applying it to your current onX account? Would that work?
Another +1 for BaseMap. I’ve been using it this year and have been happy. I’m still figuring out some of the settings and details. Some things I like OnX more and some things I favor basemap. Overall a good program.

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I have and use OnX. I like it overall but recently had the payment auto renew and caught me off guard on the price as I had a discount code to use but too late now.
Going to have to check out some of these other apps mentioned for comparison.
Does Basemap have a water layer feature? So far, trying out the “free” version of basemap and a 7 day trial of OnX, I like basemap much better - but I offshore fish as well and the nautical chart water layer is MONEY with OnX. On the other hand, I really like the new 3D GE feature of basemap.

Someone make both in one app, and then take my money.