Online Fly Store


Mar 31, 2017
Any good places to get flies online? Would like them to be decent quality, but price might be the most important factor.

Always have to drive around 3 places in town to get half of what I want. Thinking there might be some good online options.

I use Still need a little foresight to avoid seasonally sold out popular sizes but that’s easy enough.
I usually like to buy my flies from my local fly shop, but I do really like to stock up on flies from Man, they have some really good looking mayflies and terrestrials! They are not cheap, but I supplement them with alot of standard locals that are not expensive.
Interesting to note that Fulling Mill supplies one hell of a lot of flies to the American market. Most of the flies are tied in Kenya (some Sri Lanka) which makes me happy as I love Kenya and the Kenyan people. if you've bought from Orvis you've fished a Fulling Mill fly. Harambee!
I’ve been meaning to order from Big Y Fly Co, supposedly they are all made in house in Oregon. Prices look good too but haven’t yet tried them.

another shop I’ve wanted to try was fly deal flies because you can buy a dozen at a discount and they will include 3 different sizes. Example BWO for 53c each if you get a dozen, and you can get 4 each of size 16, 18, 20.

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Learn to tie guys,you’ll be way ahead
I totally agree with you but not sure one would be way ahead…I’ve got so much material floating around my tying desk that my great grandkids wont even be able to use it up😜

I don’t have recommendations about online places to buy flies but will add that if they’re real cheap, it’s probably because the hooks aren’t worth a darn.
A good friend guides anglers in Scotland and he has all his flies tied in Africa. Incredibly cheap. He then sells them to his customers if they need any of the local patterns. I buy a lot from ebay but hope to start tying my own soon.
Way ahead in enjoyment of the sport but way behind in terms of cost!!! I’m up to my ears in fly tying materials 🤣🤣
You know I understand that but conditions change. Sometimes a simple adjustment in how a fly is built can work wonders as in less or more hackling dependent upon the flow. Also being able to have exactly what you need today is invaluable. Not possible to have every fly in every size/stage for every condition w you. I’d always bring my box on any trip.
Add out of stock issues. Man it seems a simple adjustment to stay where you need to be