Ole Ryan Callaghan got robbed.

Apr 5, 2015
Before you get worried, just know that his mustache is safe and sound.

Listened to the latest Meateater and it seems some thugs broke into the Stache House and made of with some misc goodies. Cal was home and resisted the urge to let his mustache go all Yosemite Sam on them and blast away.

While it sucks to have to deal with that, Cal still has:

- a pretty cool job
- the best mustache in the hunting industry
- weapons grade sex appeal

So it ain’t all bad.

Going to start a go fund me page to buy him a case of beer and a really small violin to deal with his sorrows.
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley

Put this with the forum psychology thread. I guess this is a podcaster. No clue who most of these people are.

Is he the one responsible for the stache coming back onto the scene?
Feb 25, 2014
South Dakota
Well I listened to it today, I can say I have been in that situation before, and chose to not risk shooting, expensive litigation as well, and I’m not a public figure.

I was riding an ATV down a dirt road to an old river bridge. I was wearing gym shorts, so I just tucked my new 44 six shooter under my leg.

As I pull up on the bridge I see a guy and gal looking at the river on their ATV as well. As I go by and wave, he holds a hand up to stop, with a 40oz in the other hand. He then yells and cusses me up one side and down the other for banging his wife, what a dirt bag I was, he was gonna bang me in the head with his bottle and throw me and my wheeler in the river. As I sat there, right hand in the pistol, I slowly pulled the hammer back. He was so wasted he wasn’t watching my right hand.

At this point I had a decision to make, pull it and shoot, or play it out awhile. I decided I didn’t want to try and prove my life was in danger over a yelling drunk. At this point I was wishing I didn’t have a pistol because the things he was saying, I would’ve thumped him and sent him on his way with a few dots over his eyes, me wearing one of his teeth on my necklace.

Long story short, I’d never met his wife, met him later sober. Explained to him 1-why he was still alive, 2-why I didn’t do dental work on site. We came to an understanding, problem solved.

Sometimes defending yourself is very expensive even if innocent. A drunk on an ATV t-boned a buddy, I think he spent thousands on a lawyer, and charges were never brought.

Smart decision on his part, a few belongings aren’t worth the hassle, especially for a public figure.
Big difference between shooting someone for cussing you out and shooting someone that broke into your house.


Dec 6, 2015
Love cal
Hate that he got robbed, glad he was a smarter bigger individual. Probably has homeowners insurance and can get stuff replaced.

Hate how an original ideal like having a stache is now a fad in hunting, guess all the Patagonia wearing peeps think it’s in, they are woke anyhow......... not sure how mustaches got dragged into this


Jul 29, 2016
TX - Texas
sorry to hear he was robbed.

as far as a stache...if I could grow one (and I can't - just enough I have to shave everyday, which sucks). I'd go for the Kurt Russell Wyatt Earp look


Mar 9, 2013
Well I listened to it today, I can say I have been in that situation before, and chose to not risk shooting, expensive litigation as well, and I’m not a public figure.

I was riding an ATV down a dirt road to an old river bridge. I was wearing gym shorts, so I just tucked my new 44 six shooter under my leg.

As I pull up on the bridge I see a guy and gal looking at the river on their ATV as well. As I go by and wave, he holds a hand up to stop, with a 40oz in the other hand. He then yells and cusses me up one side and down the other for banging his wife, what a dirt bag I was, he was gonna bang me in the head with his bottle and throw me and my wheeler in the river. As I sat there, right hand in the pistol, I slowly pulled the hammer back. He was so wasted he wasn’t watching my right hand.

At this point I had a decision to make, pull it and shoot, or play it out awhile. I decided I didn’t want to try and prove my life was in danger over a yelling drunk. At this point I was wishing I didn’t have a pistol because the things he was saying, I would’ve thumped him and sent him on his way with a few dots over his eyes, me wearing one of his teeth on my necklace.

Long story short, I’d never met his wife, met him later sober. Explained to him 1-why he was still alive, 2-why I didn’t do dental work on site. We came to an understanding, problem solved.

Sometimes defending yourself is very expensive even if innocent. A drunk on an ATV t-boned a buddy, I think he spent thousands on a lawyer, and charges were never brought.

Smart decision on his part, a few belongings aren’t worth the hassle, especially for a public figure.
I don't think this would have passed as a justifiable defense of life shooting situation.


May 31, 2017
In SD when they cross your threshold they are subject to lethal force. Mustcheman's business if he wishes to allow crime to go unanswered in his community. We have a house full of kids so prolly not giving anyone much leeway here.


Dec 19, 2017
Gotta love arm chair quarterbacks. The national standard for using deadly force is if your life is in danger. There may be some state laws that allow taking a life for lesser reasons, but I wouldn't risk my freedom on them holding up in court. If you live in one of those states and would risk your freedom, good luck and hopefully it works out in your favor.


May 31, 2017
Gotta love arm chair quarterbacks. The national standard for using deadly force is if your life is in danger. There may be some state laws that allow taking a life for lesser reasons, but I wouldn't risk my freedom on them holding up in court. If you live in one of those states and would risk your freedom, good luck and hopefully it works out in your favor.

Some states still respect the right to your home being a safe place for your family.
