Older Hunters

You know, there you go right there bro, I thought it was odd Ryan was tagging me as he’s just a couple years behind me. Actually in physical age Ryan’s older than me. I can’t even grow a beard yet, and he’s stepping on his

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It doesn't have to be a long beard for him to step on it though

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Will be 69 in October and am I alone in thinking about the number of years left ?? Being in excellent health and in good shape - still makes me wonder. Remember these are our golden years and let’s make the most of them
Awesome!!!! my wife gives me grieve and is always telling me you are not 24 anymore stop doing that stuff that causes pain....lol. My body screams that its 62 but my mind says 24 1/2. Well at least when I'm sleeping.
I just put a bunch of Senior Grand Slam Breakfasts from Dennys in the freeze dryer so I don’t have to change my diet while I’m up country. Now I’m looking for instant prune juice.
There’s some dandy’s up there, but in all seriousness Im blessed have three younger guys who I showed the ropes early on and they like to hunt with me. They bought me a spot gps for Christmas? It’s still in the box ! Were pretty extreme, not road hunters. Went to llamas a few years ago and that’s going to extend my time and range. Bought an extra comfy sleeping pad and the llamas carry it just fine Along with my pack gun and everything but my water.
Keep up the good work and speak life into yourself
74! Still going strong, Wish I could figure out why I'm tripping over things as much as I do?
Oh Yea and the eye sight, forgetfulness, Back pain this old age deal isn't for the weak at heart.
one foot in front of the other and motor on slow but we get there!
Keep off the grass……

62 here and just rolling along the best I can. Fortunately age has not been to much of a hinderance. Rock on guys!
Turned 60 in December. My wife and I ride bike about 100 miles a week in nice weather, kayak, hike, I do a 2-3 mile loop with 40lb pack, jog, lift..... In pretty damn good shape. Or so I thought. I tested positive for COVID the end of December. It absolutely kicked my ass! Now to get back all those hard fought gains!!
Turned 80 today and am pissed off that I didn't draw any Alaska tags this morning. Oh well!
I'm taking a nephew with me to Geezer Ridge for his first moose. I won't bother with a moose unless one stands on the airstrip and we need more meat. Cranes and geese are a hell of a lot easier to carry out of the field.

I can still entertain myself reading posts on Rokslide as young hunters seek their first Alaska hunt. How things have changed.
All jokes aside....I actually like prune's. A favorite snack when I am on my diet and loosing weight for hunting season. I buy the big bag at Costco. Prune juice? Never...but I'm not much of a juice guy. Too much sugar.