
Dec 31, 2021
Western Montana
As I get older and skinnier I find that things I have lived through now are more severe. I remember -44 in Fargo in 1970 and it was a reason to drink beer. A few years ago it was -75 in the valley below me and it was just another night.

Tonight it was only -8 while I was feeding horses. The cold was extremely penetrating and being in the barn felt like Florida. My favorite appliance is my wood stove. Old age is memorable.
I've noticed over the course of 40-ish + years I went from a very warm sleeper; I used to use a 40°-ish sleeping bag without hesitation below the freezing mark. Now I'm closer to a "normal" sleeper, if it's 30° I need a 30° bag.

Hopefully that's as far as it goes, I don't want to have to use a 20° bag when it's 30° ! :ROFLMAO:
All my life I had hot hands and hot feet until some time in my 60s. I remember trapping beaver in the 70s with no gloves and none needed. Now, in my 70s, I find I have to take special care of my thumbs and trigger fingers in gloves and mittens. The rest of my body seems adapting even though I have lost nearly 40 lbs in the last 10 years.

Old age brings changes you would never imagine and you have to stay on top of it.