Older Hunters

Why not call it..... "Robbie and Ryan's" good times thread?

You know, there you go right there bro, I thought it was odd Ryan was tagging me as he’s just a couple years behind me. Actually in physical age Ryan’s older than me. I can’t even grow a beard yet, and he’s stepping on his

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66 and still stomping the wild places. Can't hear worth a shit but guess if some predator type animal wants me and I don't see it first, already came to the conclusion what better way to check out, at least they will have a good meal. Just remember with age comes wisdom, as in if I figure I can't beat your ass in a fist fight well I will just shoot you. I have been to three world's fairs and a goat ------- seen shit that gives most people nightmares, around the world twice and rode a donkey. Yep getting old has its advantages. Hell, boys I aint getting old I am just getting started.
Can’t wait for the dehydrated Ensure shake recipes and lightweight leak proof brief threads…
Coot, Codger then geezer, is the natural progression, just remember when yer in the nursing home and some pretty young nurse is feeding you pea soup as you dribble it down yer chin and be a thinking to yer self sweetheart there was a day.
You know, there you go right there bro, I thought it was odd Ryan was tagging me as he’s just a couple years behind me. Actually in physical age Ryan’s older than me. I can’t even grow a beard yet, and he’s stepping on his

Get with the program @robby denning. We're all on the "downhill roll," and gaining speed!

I tell people that I am maturing but not very well!
Reminds me of the story of the young bull and old bull elk on a hill looking down on some cows. The young bull says let’s run down and DO one of those cows and the old bull said let’s walk and DO them all.