okay..mid afternoon. you get hungry at work..what do you eat?


Sep 11, 2013
i am really focusing on what i put in my body. i eat some junk..sure.

but i have cut back big time. i am across the street from mickeyD's..and never go in..
what is your snack food?

i have a jar of almonds on my desk..and fig bars from my health food store.

you? what gets you to dinnertime?
Raw Broccoli Edamane and carrots orange and apple. This is a staple for me.
We stop by gas stations and truck stops all the time... Definitely makes it tough to eat healthy and resist a small snack every day. I'm packing a bag of snow peas carrots and broccoli with a small container of ranch. Also a PB&J sandwich makes a great afternoon snack that fills ya up a bit more than just fruits or veggies. Tiger Milk bars are one of my favorites as well.

jerky, sardines, smoked kippers, dates, avocado, boiled eggs, drumstick, cashews, baby carrots, snap peas, smoked oysters, walnuts, banana, leftovers. i'd like to make my own carne bars to just have around but have yet to attempt.......
Bacon thick burger with bacon cheese fries and a Dr. Pepper. I suck at self restraint.
Usually keep some homemade trail mix at desk:
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Cashews, Granola...and then some dried fruit or M&M's mixed in for some sweet. Buy everything in Sams quantities and it makes a ton...I keep a Ziploc of it in my hunting pack also.
Any fresh fruit is another go to...
jerky or almonds if I need them, which is rare.

the cool thing about paleo is that living with a low to medium carb level of 50 to 80 grams a day I no longer have actual hunger issues due to blood sugar spikes and the resulting insulin crashes. I can get to a point that I feel like I would like to eat a snack because of a habit, but I am never to a point of being hungry and needing to eat something.
I pickled a couple of Whitetail hearts in thin slices this past Fall. I have a couple of different jars with different flavor profiles, an old world one of Juniper, garlic and Rosemary, a Southwestern one with Hatch chilies etc and a Mexican one with Mexican chilies, hot sauce, onion etc. I'll often grab a slice of heart when I am craving a snack or need a protein boost. Good stuff. I keep the jars stored in a cupboard, out of the light.

I always do a mid afternoon snack at about 3:00, helps a lot when trying to lose a few pounds. I usually go for about 200 calories, high in protein. Usually includes a couple of the following - lunchmeat, tomatoes w/hummus, hard boiled egg, fake crabmeat salad, cheese, maybe a protein bar if I didn't have time to pack something that day.
A yogurt, a banana, an orange, one string cheese, dinner leftovers for lunch and then an apple in the afternoon. 6 cups of black coffee and A LOT of water throughout the day. Go home, make dinner and repeat.
Man, looking at what some of you guys eat it must be difficult to pack for a backpack hunting trip.


actually, i am trying to eat more smaller meals. since doing this, i havent had the after lunch food coma. i feel way better.

ironically, when i hunt hard..all bets are off. i eat what i crave. no rules. i am always hungry when hiking hard.
In today breakfast & lunch container ...............sardines-Blue berry yogurt-2 big carrots- one apple-baggie of yellow raisons-kiwi- 2 golf ball sized tomato-2 protein bars-baggie of plain nuts and almonds roasted-one plum. I eat something just about every 90 minutes tops.