First time Ive actually read an indepth detail of what actually happened, not sure If I wanted to after I did it . What a horrible turn of events, a haunting disease they knew he had and unfortunately spiraled out of control .
That was a tough one to read, I had to stop four times. Mental illness is nothing to take lightly and the more I read these stories the more I'm starting to regret playing football.
I'm really on the fence anymore that if I ever have a son, if I would even let him play the game. No matter how many rules get changed or equipment advances are made there will never be anything safe or full proof to prevent these injuries. With 200 to 300 pound men running full steam ahead playing balls out with no fear, injuries and severe ones at that will be common place.
That being said it sounds like he was married to one hell of a woman. Hopefully the kids have plenty of good memories to hold on to and Jason's friends will be there for them all.
C.T.E. and prescription meds along with alcohol sound like a horrible combo. Of course he sounds like he was in no condition to make wise choices, but his doctors must be crazy!
Thankfully he provided well for his families future without him!
The drugs in his system are antidepressants, so while one should not abuse alcohol with any prescription drug, the mixture of alcohol and these drugs in itself is not that dangerous. I speak from experience, not form a medical background. Combining it with CTE though is another animal altogether. However, I'm sure he was in such pain that he was probably self medicating with the alcohol, which is very common, and this may have provided him some relief.