You'd have to do the same with power factor, as the recoil is higher and harder to shoot.I understand where the 16 pound limit came from (Idaho), but it still seems excessive and the amount of hunters actual lugging a 16 pound rifle is probably minimal. What I would wish is the rifle weight somehow factored into score as the scenarios NRL attempts to recreate are more akin to a hunt yould have to hike and would factor in rifle weight.
Set 12 pounds as the benchmark (seems fair with a bipod attached), but have a points multiplier or detractor based on weight. Spitballing here, but say every pound below 12 pounds increases your score by 5% and every pound over 12 decreases your score by 5%. A guy shooting a 16 pound rifle would only get 80% of the score, while someone shooting an 8 pound rifle would get 120%.
Here's the deal, hits are hits, first rounds worth 2x the points. I think 12# is a very practical number. It's not as easy as ya think!