For whitetails, I’m primarily hunting public land in eastern NC. Not much you can do for management there so I spend a lot of time in winter/early spring scouting while the mosquitos are in hiding and you can actually see through the woods without all the leaf cover. So far I’ve ID’d 3 new spots that look really good, and I’m checking out more after work today.
My family also owns about 90acres in WV that I hunt anytime we’re in town, usually around Thanksgiving or Christmas. Going to make some trips up there this spring/summer and try to take out a little bit of the autumn olive that’s sprung up. My mother had a timber company come do a select cut on the property this year and it looks like they’ve taken a lot of white oaks, next year I’m going to plant some new mast trees. I’m also hoping to put up a couple 2 person ladder stands this summer or next, my daughter is almost 3 and within the next couple years I’d love to take her out just once so she can watch.