I’d love to get any tips you may have on hunting big woods bucks. I have lots of experience with smaller woods and agriculture land, but I’m learning about the bigger tracts of land in Northern Michigan. I’ve been at it during rifle season the last 3 years and we are seeing more deer as we scout more land, but still a lot to learn about how these deer act and pattern (if there even is a pattern).
Do you slow hunt through big areas, do you or go on stand and try to ambush them even in such a big area?
Short answer it depends. Long answer... If I think they move "over there" I still hunt, if I think they'll cruise through "this area" I setup on that trail. Stillhunting has been great for learning new areas. That particular buck I setup on the downwind side of oaks that I knew held a bunch of does, and expected the bucks to cruise downwind. Which is what he did. I think I said it in the video but I had planned on sitting in an altered spot from the previous day to capitalize on the movement I saw.
Last years buck, I setup in a funnel that I saw from the road had a bunch of tracks coming out of. My prediction was that does would come through, and was hoping a buck would follow. Which is what happened at 9am on opening day. And I killed him. After I shot him my trail camera verified he had done that a few days prior. I didn't check that camera before hunting because, I could tell deer where traveling through there from the road, so I didn't see any value in stinking it up to verify what I already knew.
If there's snow and there's not much pressure I'm gonna drive roads and look for tracks, then follow them. I've had a bunch of doe encounters doing that, but couldn't shoot because I didn't have a tag. Lots of close calls where I either had a combo tag, and he didn't have enough antlers to be legal or didn't see a rack until it was too late. I got into stillhunting by default. The first year we were here, I hunted 3-5x a week from 10/20-11/20 without seeing a deer. 11/20 I started stillhunting transitions and started seeing deer and killed one stillhunting one of the last days of the season.
When I hunted pressured deer in lower michigan cover was king. Here there's cover everywhere, food is king. This year was a bumper acorn crop. Guys I know who bait, and rely on bait with no other scouting saw few to no deer. I think most years when acorns aren't such a factor they do better. But most of them seem to kill one every 3-5 years, in this unit. Most years when the snow flies I key in on poplar whips, knee to chest high. That's there big browse. I find the does and wait for a buck to come chasing through during the rut. I struggle to get pics of bucks outside the rut, and this is the first year we've had option to shoot does during archery.
Outside the rut, it's damn near impossible without snow. I'm trying this weekend since I have a doe tag (in a different unit), and I really wanna get one with my flintlock, and it seems like a waste not to now that we can shoot does for the first time in years.