Norma Whitetail Ammo


Oct 25, 2022
I’ve used it in my 7mm08 with good success. My Cooper 54 grouped them well. I have not hunted with them yet but have friends who have taken whitetails with them. I think it’s a decent bullet and good for the price.


Oct 25, 2022
Gone through thousands of Norma rounds. It’ll put a hole through what you’re scoped in on


Jan 2, 2020

look up Product #: 967721

This is what I found:

Either way, I can't complain @ $15/box.


Dec 27, 2019
I don't understand the confusion. The thread title specifically says "Norma Whitetail" and the boxes specifically say "Norma Whitetail"


Dec 27, 2022
I know this is an older thread but wanted to provide some very positive feedback on Norma whitetail ammunition.

Between my hunting partner and I, we tagged 10 deer this season in Kansas.

We shot the following ammunition with their appropriate calibers;
150 gr Norma whitetail SP - 308
150 gr Norma whitetail SP - 300 Win Mag
150 gr Norma SP Oryx - 308 (accidentally purchased 100 rounds as the boxes are very similar)

Let me be the first one to say I’m VERY impressed with the killing and accuracy performance of all of the ammo. I was able to shoot all of them sub moa. With the oryx almost at .5 moa.

As for penetration, only one round from the whitetail line had a complete pass through. We had some notable pass throughs with the Oryx bonded bullets.

I’ll go into detail of some the shots from the trip below;

300 Win Mag 150 gr Whitetail -

Doe #1 of the season was taken at 80 yards. Went straight through the left shoulder, liquified the lungs and left a nice gash on the heart. Girl had some fight in her and jumped about 15 yards before dropping. No pass through on this shot.

Doe #2 at 120 yards. Right above the shoulder at about a 30 degree angle. Thought forsure it would exit the spine area due to the angle, but I’m thinking it bounced down and shredded her lungs. Dropped where I shot her and she rolled down the hill towards me.

Buck #1 at 140 yards. perfect heart shot from behind the lower shoulder while he was trotting away from me. He continued trotting for 10 feet before falling over. No pass through

308 150 gr Whitetail-

Doe #3 at 200 yards while she was sprinting away. Was aiming for her head/neck. but shot a little low, with not enough lead. Ended up shooting her spine right above her shoulders. Complete pass through, and she was dead before she hit the ground.

Doe #4 at 40 yards. Shot on the inside of her right shoulder. The bullet jacket seperated, and made it through left side diaphragm. Recovered the jacket resting on the stomach (luckily it did not pierce any guts). She dropped where she was shot, but was still alive 10 seconds after. Ended up putting another round in her, though it wasn’t needed.

Buck #2 at ~ 80 yards. This was a bad shot, Buck turned on my buddy while he was pulling trigger. Ended up spineing him in the rear. Buck lost use in his back legs. Crawled about 40 yards down a draw before we could get to him. (We were separated by a creek). When we got to him, he put one in his neck at 15 yards. And that was that.

Honorable mention 150 gr Oryx bonded 308 -

Doe #5 at ~300 yards. Inner shoulder, bullet exited in between the rib cage. She dropped where she stood. I have a feeling that it didn’t expand as much as it should have, as there was a small wound channel and the round passed through. I fully expected to find the bullet in the cavity at that range.

Conclusion: I would 100000% recommend. I want to play a little more with the oryx bullets at closer distances (<100 yards). And the whitetail at further distances (300+) But I can safely say they both do the job!
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
I bought some for my 270win. Finally got around to shoot them between Christmas and New Years,
They group well in my Remington 700 xcr2. I shot five groups. Every group was the same. First two touching and the third shot 3/4 to the right. Thats as good as I shoot to be honest. No cool down between shots. I’m going to be shooting it more later in the month and will probably actually hunt with it next year.

I’m having trouble finding the ammo I been shooting in my 7mm08. I have about 60 rounds left. I will not hesitate to try out the norma whitetail ammo in that rifle if it comes to that. I use it only for hunting whitetail so 60 rounds will go along way.


Dec 6, 2022
I’m having trouble finding the ammo I been shooting in my 7mm08. I have about 60 rounds left. I will not hesitate to try out the norma whitetail ammo in that rifle if it comes to that. I use it only for hunting whitetail so 60 rounds will go along way.

Try Ammoseek, I found the Norma Whitetail there in 7mm-08 from Calibery Armory for $19.50. Fast and cheap (relatively) shipping. Just got the rifle, scope so I have yet to shoot but the ammo deal is worth mentioning.

I have no affiliation with Ammoseek, Norma, or Caliber Armory. There are other places to get it I guess.
Nov 28, 2022
My buddy shot a cow elk with them in a 6.5cm @ 300y and it dropped on the spot, shot was a little high but no fuss.