Non-standard tips to share....

Jan 23, 2014
Fill an old sock with half baking soda and cat litter. Use it to powder down body one you get to hunting area when it is hot and sweating is unavoidable. Or if you are like me anytime of the season. Kitty litter absorbs sweat, baking soda deodorizes enough.


Oct 8, 2021
unlace/loosen your boots when you get on stand feet stay warmer with better circulation.

Buy a ghillie suit and don't be afraid to sit in deadfalls or even semi open hillsides with trails below. My dad and I have killed a pile of deer after finding a good trail or crossing with no good place to hang a tree and not enough time to set up a ground blind and properly camo it etc. Too many hunters dependent on stands and blinds these days and forgot how to hunt.
I’ve had good luck last two years doing this. Arrowed 2 PY bucks at eye level with them. It’s a rush

Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
Oh boy, you guys are in for a real treat here... you don't get dope like this from just anywhere. This lesson took a vasectomy to learn... doc got out the alcohol to prep the site and I learned something...

If you want to DRAMATICALLY cut down on your scent during the season. Hit all the smell producing parts with alcohol every week or so. Yes sounds crazy, but... our BO is a product of bacteria on our skin breaking down our sweat (bacteria poop smells bad). No bacteria.... no smell. Now I'm not a doctor, and I'm sure there's probably some negatives for doing this long term. But it works. And no, I'm not joking. Try it at least once.