Non resident OTC archery elk is over in Colorado

No Subaru is complete without the stick family in the back window

Perfect! I have been shopping for accessories:
1) Subaru ownership badges
2) Family stickers
3) Matte black tree sticker mural decal (cause matte is tactical)

Probably add a full time cargo box on top for all my gear, and a full time bike rack on the back for when we drive over to the lake down the street so the kid can ride.

Trying to decide which is more offensive to the sensibilities: Tricked out Subaru as described above or a Jeep complete with "badges", toy dinosaurs on the dashboard, rooftop tent and ever-present Yeti cooler on the hitch hauler. Bonus points for Texas plates and branding for a Overland youtube channel.
Trying to decide which is more offensive to the sensibilities: Tricked out Subaru as described above or a Jeep complete with "badges", toy dinosaurs on the dashboard, rooftop tent and ever-present Yeti cooler on the hitch hauler. Bonus points for Texas plates and branding for a Overland youtube channel.
The Tacoma

I'm voting tricked out Jeeps are most offensive because I think a small percentage get used. Then the Tacomas. BiasedME would like to believe a tricked out Subaru gets used as the trucks are intended.

I went to Whole Foods last night to get some pickles. It was exhilarating counting wilderness edition Subarus and needing a second hand.
I see more new JL Rubicons with some Blue hair driving it to the supermaket every day, those will never leave the road or car wash. Been headed that way for years. Subaru's are about the same.
I know this thread is getting a tad old but I just came back from a family vacay in Colorado. Wife and kid had never been so we spent a week hiking and seeing Rocky Mountain national park, generally just being tourists. But I’ll say if Colorado is concerned about budget shortfalls then they need to figure out a way to make all those people from Denver driving Subarus pay their fair share.

Every single trailhead we went to was packed with day hikers. It was like a zoo. These yuppie hikers are clearly using the land in a much more intensive way than the OTC bow hunters are and are contributing nothing back to it. Kind of sickening to be honest.
CPW is not funded by the general public, it does not receive any tax money. Quite honestly I do not want to the Front Range citizens to have any part of funding CPW because then they would feel the need to manage the wildlife side of CPW. That would be a very bad thing.
CPW is not funded by the general public, it does not receive any tax money. Quite honestly I do not want to the Front Range citizens to have any part of funding CPW because then they would feel the need to manage the wildlife side of CPW. That would be a very bad thing.
They already get to manage wildlife with their votes...
CPW is not funded by the general public, it does not receive any tax money. Quite honestly I do not want to the Front Range citizens to have any part of funding CPW because then they would feel the need to manage the wildlife side of CPW. That would be a very bad thing.

CPW gets 2% of their total revenue from the general fund. That 2% equates to 4% of the Parks revenue, but none of it goes to the Wildlife side.

I think south carolina but dont quote me on that

Too late ... 🙃

SC isn't the free-for-all that is her reputation.

Potential visitors should check the regs for the area and periods that they will be hunting. They will benefit themselves and SC hunting by maxing their antlerless tag buys up front, regardless.

Be prepared to drag at least a lil bit (LOL shout-out to the swamp rats and hillbillies) ... It is still illegal to detach the head from a deer in transit from the point of the kill.

I would make a joke about Pennsylvanians hunting down here, but hardly anyone on Rokslide would get it ... LOL
Looks like the CPW decided to make NR archery elk tags limited to their respective DAU group in the same fashion as when they made prior OTC units draw only for everyone. Only exception is the units east of I-25 are unlimited with hunt code EE087U1A.

It'll be interesting to see how many tags are issued per DAU. Don't sleep on your favorite unit or you might find yourself hunting a new unit.

Sourced from the link below starting on page 96. Hunt codes with V1A (NR) versus O1A (open to everyone)
Maybe I missed it in the post above.

But have they determined how the old otc units will be broken out?

Cause go hunt is showing it as clusters. But wasn't entirely sure if it had been released yet.
Maybe I missed it in the post above.

But have they determined how the old otc units will be broken out?

Cause go hunt is showing it as clusters. But wasn't entirely sure if it had been released yet.

Most likely will be in clusters based on DAU, DAU are a group of GMU’s and comprise several units that a herd using throughout the year typically. This way they will be giving out tags based on those herd numbers as a whole vs projected herd numbers per GMU per season. Lost DAU’s are comprised of 2-6 units total.

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See link > scroll down to Chapter W-02 Big Game and download.

Start on page 96 - No quotas but it gives a description of changes -

some units will be OTC for residents and some aren’t. So two categories 1) OTC resident, NR draw and 2) draw for all

Either way all non resident are now draw
It's been mentioned in the thread early on and I agree. I suspect they're trying to eliminate folks deciding at the last minute to hunt archery. Make folks plan in advance and the numbers will go down. I don't think anyone who applies is going to be denied a tag in one of the previous OTC units.

I think it's as much the way the overcrowding takes place and not having a plan and making the woods less huntable as it is the numbers of hunters in the woods going for a concentrated population of elk that concentrate in certain areas during the rut. Very different than states with over a million deer going into their rut, IMO.
A few guys I know and hunt around have points as NR and have always hunted OTC. They're going to be forced into a decision. Try for a second choice tag, or burn points to hunt the old OTC.