Non conventional archery technique


Sep 6, 2016
What are some ways you have killed whitetails with archery equipment other than sitting in tree tree stands.

Im always looking for new ideas to harvest a deer(buck or doe) with archery.

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Check out The Hunting Public on YouTube. They do some interesting stuff hunting bedding areas on the ground. Always done this rifle hunting but going to start doing it with the bow as well.

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After many failed attempts, I finally managed to take one off the ground this season. (I had before in a pop-up blind, but I'm not counting that).
There was a field that deer were using and I trimmed a 'cubby hole' into a nearby cedar tree. Took a stake ground blind and put it up high enough to cover my lower half. It is quite the rush hunting them on their level! I'd tried it many times before but always seemed to get busted.

i killed a big old doe off the ground still hunting last weekend. i've tried halfheartedly to do it with a bow a bunch of times and have never got close but i had a nice windy day and forced myself to go at a snails pace. she came in on my back trail and thankfully i was standing at some bushy little pine trees for back cover but i had nothing in front of me. i drew when her head went behind a tree and shot her at 25 yards when she popped out. it was such a different feeling being at ground level with them and quite the rush. it was a rough track and drag job to get her out though. a trophy doe if there ever was one.
I've hunted exclusively on the ground since I was a younger kid until a few weeks ago.

Ground blinds are pretty slick especially in bad weather.

But make sure you brush it in, spray it down and try and let it sit for several days before using it.

Then make sure you wear black. You can buy a cheap black shirt to pull over over your camo. Then a black face mask and gloves. Electrical tape on your bow. Camo will glow inside a black blind.

Also keep all the windows closed you can.

If I shot a compound and could use a smaller blind id spend the money on that new Double Bull. They made it with one way window covers so you can see out but not in.

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Grew playing spot and stalk for Whitetails with a bow. Success odds are not in your favor but that type of hunt is a lot of fun.

Basics. Play the wind first. You are not going to beat their sense of smell unless you are always downwind from them.

As ezmorningrebel mentioned above, move at a snails pace. I carry 10x42 binoculars and optically pick the forest scene apart ahead of me.
Pick your stalking path at the beginning of your hunt and scan it first.
I then visually inspect the surrounding areas as I move down my path.
Look for pieces,horizontal lines of a back or belly, any different color,movement like an ear flick.

Sounds are important too, a deer walking can break a stick. A deer chewing on acorns is fairly noisy too.

Leafy suits have become a staple for me. I wear one all the time, facemask included,and have several to match the leaf color and the amount of sunlight that is shinning on undergrowth. Some have optical brighteners in the colors and are easy to stay away from. Dull colors work best.

I have found I can get away with much more movement wearing one, even drawing a bow with eyes on me.They have issues with 3 dimension.
I wear them in stands as well as usually I have to pass the doe test(letting the does go by before the bucks come out)Most of my stands are not high up.

I also trim the leaves of the suit so I can draw from angles without getting caught up in a string.I wear skin tight camo gloves for moving the binos and triggering the release.For this type of hunt I wear rubber boots for a softer sound.

Another tip, at least for me, is do not make eye contact with an animal even disguised as a bush. I keep my eyes averted and mentally prepare for the draw and shot while watching with peripheral only.

Moving like this has given me opportunities at Turkeys and Coyotes with a silent shot.Our fall Turkey archery season coincides with deer season so I always have a diaphragm call with me. Turkeys, in their unmolested state are noisy and a few yelps once in a while not only has a chance for an answer back but might naturally cover some of my noise.

I have my bow set up with an arrow nocked so I am always ready to draw.My rest is full capture but I have used a rubber arrow holder glued to the riser when I ran a Limbdriver rest.

I still use a scent cover spray. Scent Away fresh earth, the other brands smell like lysol to me.
It has kept me from a total bust several times in shifting breezes.Just works in my favorite area.

This turned into a novel. Good Luck.

What leafy suits do you use? Im looking at adding one in the near future. Also do you wear leafy pants. I looked at the first lite jacket and mask but I haven’t seem pants.

Iv taken two deer with a bow still hunting sort of. The first i was moving stands for the evening sit and bump in to a deer coming the opposite direction. Shot him about 25 yards and that was my first buck.

The second deer i was walking out for the morning and saw it moving 60 yards in front. I kept the deers head behind a tree and moved towards it and closed the gap to 40 yards.

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Had a couple buddies make a deer drive for me one time. Ended up shooting a nice buck at 15 yards as he stopped to look back at them.