NM unit 4 land owner authorization bull elk

Jun 29, 2024
hey everyone. my apologies if this has already been discussed, but i didn't find answer in search.

My property was accepted into the nm eplus program this year and we were granted a mature bull any legal weapon elk authorization. Its an ranch only authorization, but my understanding is that is can be used on any private ranch in unit 4 with owners permission? Is that correct? Does anyone know what would be a fair price for it? I'm looking to sell it for a reasonable price, not trying to gouge anyone, but I'm not sure what this specific authorization is really worth? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to dm if prefer to discuss privately. Thank you.
Since unit 4 elk tags can only be drawn by New Mexico residents, does that mean you can only sell your unit 4 landowner tag to other NM residents?
hey everyone. my apologies if this has already been discussed, but i didn't find answer in search.

My property was accepted into the nm eplus program this year and we were granted a mature bull any legal weapon elk authorization. Its a ranch only authorization, but my understanding is that is can be used on any private ranch in unit 4 with owners permission? Is that correct? Does anyone know what would be a fair price for it? I'm looking to sell it for a reasonable price, not trying to gouge anyone, but I'm not sure what this specific authorization is really worth? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to dm if prefer to discuss privately. Thank you.
Your understanding is correct. Tag would be valid on any private within unit 4 with written permission of landowner.

I have no idea on pricing.
I hope you’re correct.
He is. I have been Bull Elk hunting unit 4 (Chama) since 1990 all private ranches except for 1998 when I drew for Sargent (unit 4) and the couple years I hunted Colorado. Couple years ago I was in a local restaurant in Chama that had a sign up for a local outfitter looking to buy unit 4 private land vouchers. It was the guy running the Quinlan at the time, and he would overhunt the ranch with as many tags as he could buy.
The public land units in unit 4 are WMA's where only NM residents can apply; Sargent, Humphries, Rio Chama.

Everything else is RO landowner permits that can be bought and sold by anyone.
I’d of been interested to discuss the tag with chamadude575 if he ever returns to Rokslide.
FYI, I was shafted on one of these NM LO tags a couple years ago with supposedly a reputable broker- finally got my money back but it was an ordeal, buyer beware- it's become a cottage industry rife with unscrupulous types.
The public land units in unit 4 are WMA's where only NM residents can apply; Sargent, Humphries, Rio Chama.

Everything else is RO landowner permits that can be bought and sold by anyone.
Correct. It went to resident only for bull hunts a couple years after I hunted it in 1998. I used to apply every year before it changed but only got it once.