NM Road Access Help


Oct 20, 2022
Still under the FNG rules but I had some questions purely about road access for my upcoming hunt. It’s in one of those fairly popular NW units for the January archery season….. I can be specific in a PM as to not break rules.

I have both GoHunt and OnX for mapping. I have not made contact with a game warden or anything like that yet for the unit but if someone could assist with that I would appreciate it. Have not been able to scout as i am a resident but military so currently out of state.

Due to a combination of “conservation closures” and oil and gas roads being locked I just want to get an idea of what is actually drivable and not.

Feel free to reach out if need be. Any help is appreciated.
You can drive any road until you come to a locked gate or a closure area. If a gate is left open don’t drive in! You may not get back out. Hunting is usually better in January if you walk behind the gates or even a little ways off a road. There has been a lot of activity in a few certain areas so don’t expect to find much there. You will know that area once you get here pretty quickly.
Good tips, are the “closed” gates marked well or is it hit or miss?

Any chance you know the weather/road conditions there currently? Can only tell so much from the weather app.
You will know a locked gate when you see it. Big giant pipe welded together, cemented posts on the sides and it stretches all the way across the road. Weather is hit or miss. Warm right now but it can be brutally cold in January. I’ve hunted it -22 before and it warmed up to -3. Other times it was mid 40’s to low 50’s during the day.
Is there a resource that maps out oil fields that are gated? I plan on getting to the state before season to try and get my bearings. In a unit with so many roads it’s very difficult to even try to google map a camp that will be out of the way and all right place to set up I’ve found.
I’m heading to NM also for the late hunt shortly. Would anyone with experience recommend an ATV or is a truck fine? Not looking to destroy my truck but not sure how rough the roads actually are.
Don’t take an atv. You will freeze your cahones off. A SxS with a heated cab would be fine but you will more than likely prefer a truck this time of year. Bring chains. You may or may not need them but better to have them and not need them than the other way around.
Don’t take an atv. You will freeze your cahones off. A SxS with a heated cab would be fine but you will more than likely prefer a truck this time of year. Bring chains. You may or may not need them but better to have them and not need them than the other way around.
I will definitely pack chains. I’d rather not bring a quad, but I have a 2024 tundra I would like to come back looking the same way I brought it in there 🤣 wasn’t sure if the roads are just rough riding or tight on the sides. I’ll be in 17.
I will definitely pack chains. I’d rather not bring a quad, but I have a 2024 tundra I would like to come back looking the same way I brought it in there 🤣 wasn’t sure if the roads are just rough riding or tight on the sides. I’ll be in 17.
I hunted in January a few years ago and met a local that showed me around. The mud is a real thing. One piece of advice he taught me was, you are never stuck until the wheels stop spinning. The roads are BAD.
I will definitely pack chains. I’d rather not bring a quad, but I have a 2024 tundra I would like to come back looking the same way I brought it in there 🤣 wasn’t sure if the roads are just rough riding or tight on the sides. I’ll be in 17.
Depends on where you go for how tight the roads are. Mostly just rough and can be nerve racking muddy. Then again, I’ve hunted January with dry, solid roads and no snow. Been pretty dry lately and today was fairly warm. I actually ran the air conditioner in my truck as I drove around town this afternoon.
Depends on where you go for how tight the roads are. Mostly just rough and can be nerve racking muddy. Then again, I’ve hunted January with dry, solid roads and no snow. Been pretty dry lately and today was fairly warm. I actually ran the air conditioner in my truck as I drove around town this afternoon.

You will know a locked gate when you see it. Big giant pipe welded together, cemented posts on the sides and it stretches all the way across the road. Weather is hit or miss. Warm right now but it can be brutally cold in January. I’ve hunted it -22 before and it warmed up to -3. Other times it was mid 40’s to low 50’s during the day.
How is the deer behavior between the two situations? Sounds like you are local to the area, are you seeing rutting behavior still?

How did you change up tactics for either end of the spectrum?
Rutting behavior is pretty much done. You might still see some bucks chasing a few does that haven’t been bred yet. Smaller bucks will still hang around the does. The big bucks probably won’t but if there is a lot of snow they will all herd up together. Right now, there isn’t a lot of snow. Their patterns don’t change much. They definitely like to feed on the edges of sage flats and are way more spooky in the mornings than evenings.
Thank you for the information. I’ll be up north a ways out from any towns. Is there much theft to be worried about? I will have a trailer possibly a tent I’ll be putting up.
I wouldn’t worry too much about theft in January. Only ones out there will be hunters and workers. If your camp isn’t on a main easily accessible road or visible from a main highway you shouldn’t have too much to worry about. If theft happens then it happens. It can happen anywhere, anytime and it does stink when it happens. I definitely wouldn’t worry about it in the Northwest corner.