NM Landowner Cow Tags

Got one last year on a NM elk hunting facebook page last summer just have to have cash ready to go when one pops up for sale.

I know a guy who sells NM mule deer and elk tags with his guiding service. I have shared his info before. I have never hunted with him but almost did a few years ago just to hunt NM. I will ask what he has left before sharing contact info.
Please let me know as well. Thanks!
Checked with him and he only has 1 bull and 1 cow tag left for 2025. All sold out for this year.

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Keith Williams Arizona pro and sw big game brokerage is definitely worth a call.

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Scam central...buyer beware

Not saying people don’t get scammed but It’s pretty easy to validate they have the tags as NMGF publishes all the info on who has landowner tags by species and in each unit.

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Landowners won’t know what tags they’re getting for the 2024 elk season until the first or second week of June.