Nm 2B

May 10, 2015
There are some on here who need to get their facts straight.

1) the region has been in a drought condition for decades with hard winter swings. It has taken a toll.

2) the SUITS have had more of an effect on "migratory" deer over the years more than this youth hunt ever did.

3) the youth hunt was during a time of the year that local deer were hunted more than migratory.

4) Jan bowhunts have had bad dry years way before this youth hunt.

5) of course an outfitter is going to say that. His tip is on the line.

6) big bucks were shot this year on the muzzleloader and 3rd rifle hunts way before the youth hunt started.

7) most deer are still in and stay in CO. Take a drive through Tiffany, Allison, and Arboles if you don't believe me.

This youth hunt gave opportunity. I would rather see a youth hunter have a chance at a deer than a big "bad-ass" man.

Bowhunters need to quit crying about it and move on. More important things to be concerned about. NM has the most liberal gov't, right now, than ever before, and you think youth hunters "ruined" your life?