We got one a few months ago, freaking love it! Few things can beat a pressure cooked roast! From pressure cooking roast or rice to air frying French fries, it replaced half of our appliances
Can't speak to long term durability, but so far we have been careful to only use wood or silicone utensils in the pot and its holding up pretty good.
We’ve had one for over a year now. Making ribs with it right now. No issues with durability with internal parts; but our pressure dial on top fell off. Not the biggest issue we just slide it back over the post and hasn’t affected the function in any way
Guess I'll be the lone voice of dissent. I've tried a few things in it and wasn't really impressed. I’ve got a big green egg so there isn't any meat the foodie can do better than that, and anything else just isn't really worth the hassle to me. My pot also has a few spots where it's flaking like pretty much anything nonstick. All I use it for now is making big batches of food for my dog about once a month.
We have the pressure cooker looking one and the toaster oven looking one. The both are awesome. Between those two and the yoder, I think we used the real oven three times Oct.-today.
We bought the Emeril LaGassy (spelling?) version that was about 50% the price and it’s great. Has all the same features and capabilities without the name and resulting price. We’ve had it a year - works great and looks brand new.