Newbie looking to do a bear hunt in Canada and have some questions


Apr 3, 2014
I am looking at possibly doing a Black Bear hunt in Manitoba with an outfitter.
I have some emails out to get some info, but I am also wondering what all questions should I ask an outfitter.
This is the first time I have ever done anything like this and looking for some opinions.
The hunt will be over bait with stands.
I can take either bow or rifle.
Still unsure on either of which I would take but so far none have caliber requirements.
I know the rate and deposit info.

What are some other questions I should ask the outfitter.

Blind Squirrel

Jun 6, 2021
I am looking at possibly doing a Black Bear hunt in Manitoba with an outfitter.
I have some emails out to get some info, but I am also wondering what all questions should I ask an outfitter.
This is the first time I have ever done anything like this and looking for some opinions.
The hunt will be over bait with stands.
I can take either bow or rifle.
Still unsure on either of which I would take but so far none have caliber requirements.
I know the rate and deposit info.

What are some other questions I should ask the outfitter.
I would ask to speak with a past client that wasn’t successful.
I don’t know anything about that area, so I can’t give you any recommendations.