New Year "New Season"


I believe Brado16 is our winner. 309 2/8.

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Way to go Les!!- lets see some pictures of your hunt when you get a chance.
Brado, send me a PM with your shipping address and T-shirt size.

Thanks everyone it was a tough hunt. I put on well over 160 miles on the hunt (on my feet). I'll definitely add some details later as I get caught up.

I shot him standing in his bed at 32 yards. It was the hardest hunt I've ever done. I think "figuring" it out some helped tip the teeter totter towards going back if I ever get the chance. For the first portion of the hunt I had decided I would not apply again, now I need to think about it.

Thanks for following along and stay tuned, lots more coming.
I demand a recount!! A couple of those inches must be embellished! LOL! Congrats Brado and Les!

Can't wait to see the pics and read the details!

Here is a pic I snapped of Les. I had the pleasure to hang out with him a bit on the opener as I waited for my buddy to arrive.

Les is the real deal. Hikes his ass off, calls are sharp, sound good and was well prepared. Action was slow that day. I saw cow elk, mule deer, coues deer and turkey no Bull elk.

We took a break under an old oak at a waterhole hoping for some action that never materialized. Although my feet ached and I was tired I just dosed some Mtn ops ignite and could not settle. Instead I sat, ate and messed with the camera.

I'd share a campfire with Les anytime.


I'll work on putting together a thread with my story.

I learned early that one of the keys to archery elk success was in map understanding. The last thing before lights out every night for me is map study. Correlating what I saw where, and formulating multiple plans considering all the relevant information.

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Congrats Les, hard earned is probably an understatement! I am surprised to hear that the front end of your hunt was so bad that you thought about not ever coming back, I thought that area would be better.

How far in was the kill and did Tom get there in time help pack it out?
Yesterday was the first of the 2 day WI youth hunt. We did not hunt. In the 24 hours we have got 3" of rain. We are set up in the tree this morning. However Hunter has elected to bring the Mathews instead of the Remington.

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He shot his first two bow deer last year. Both does. Horns or nothing he says, until late season.

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