New world record archery bull

2) My bet is that any one of us that has the resources he has [$$$$] would be out there spending it on $35,000 Indian reservation hunts and governors tags too.
If you know where I can pick up a reservation or governor tag that routinely produces +380" bulls (let alone 400") I'm all ears. These days a $35k landowner/auction tag will get you on 340-350" bulls for a realistic expectation. It's plain nuts.
If you know where I can pick up a reservation or governor tag that routinely produces +380" bulls (let alone 400") I'm all ears. These days a $35k landowner/auction tag will get you on 340-350" bulls for a realistic expectation. It's plain nuts.

The Oregon guys are paying 80k + to kill 360-380 bulls. White mountain is killing 400’s but its invite only and its 60K_ now.

380+ is hard to even buy right now free range.
So can you back up your claim or are you just spreading unfounded rumors about the hunter? Back it up if you can.
Can you shut down my claim, or are you arguing to defend some random hunter?

I went off what others were saying. But really, you’re missing the forest for the trees and getting hung up on something silly.

I would have killed the bull, too. I would not be posting about killing a neighborhood bull, though, nor do I find it impressive that some guys spend tons of money to hunt the biggest bulls they can find on private land. Whether he’s independently wealthy, trust fund, or just happens to be super lucky drawing insane tags and hunting on buddies properties — it just doesn’t impress me.

And guess what? You’re welcome to your own opinions, too — including so passionately defending some rando hunter. That’s the beauty of it all.

It’s the internet. Don’t get too upset about it.

Humans need a lot of food to get as obese as our culture is. We need good/govt supported farmers to produce this food so society does not collapse = that's a fact. It is also a fact farmers receive a lot of gov aid.. Like 31 billion annually see link above to where 2025 $ is going. That's a big commitment for all US tax payers to make to keep food on the table for the 8 billion people worldwide.

Since we are running a huge deficit it can also be argued it adds a lot of debt in interest payments like a lot... Right or wrong not for me to decide but real money out the door..

As far as the elk shot "over bait" well to each his own and it seems most gov tags are filled like this these days. Again right or wrong not for me to decide. More of just it is what it is from where I sit..
Okay, this is an interesting kill for sure. If it is true what is going around that he baited this bull to get it out of city limits to kill him, that is sad to me. There is no way I would be able to do that and not have a sick turning feeling in my gut when I got it done.

To me that sincerely takes all of the sport, gratification, grind and hard work out of it that makes me so proud at the end of a hunt.

I would not be able to swoon over that thing without feeling guilty and disgusted.

I guess that is the difference between some hunters and other though, for some of us it's not just about the trophy, it's ALL about the actual hunt that leads to getting that trophy.

I've killed some big bulls that I am proud of but what's crazy is that a couple of the smallest bulls I killed in absolute trash units for elk hunting, was the most happy and gratified I've ever been.

I'm not hating on this guy if it was legal but it doesn't mean that I have to respect it either. IMO, this should not be aloud in the books if this is all true.

I guess he has a habit of getting into car wrecks and immediately following it up with 400"+ bulls. He makes the best of bad luck.
Incredible animal specimen that's for sure.

I don't understand the controversy, half-truths, secrecy, adulation, and/or disparaging/denigrating. Does a lot of it stem from the son's post on social media that seemingly tried to hide how the hunt went in reality or make it out to be something it wasn't? If you have seen the hunter's social media he obviously has lots of disposable income to afford multiple high-profile elk tags a year, sheep slam or two plus some extras, and coveted deer tags, why not just say what tag it was that the bull was killed on? The whole thing just seems so odd.

Bait or no bait, public or private land, draw tag or bought and paid for governor's tag, wilderness recluse or subdivision king, if the guy hunted it legally I don't see what the issue is? Personally, I'd just like to hear the real story on this bull instead of some secret half-truth's or speculation and rumors.

There was a possible new world record Mountain Goat killed this year, and the story is out there for all to read but it doesn't have any bit of the chaos surrounding this elk. Like I said above, I'd just like to hear the real story as I enjoy hunting stories, especially about giants we all dream about.
Incredible animal specimen that's for sure.

I don't understand the controversy, half-truths, secrecy, adulation, and/or disparaging/denigrating. Does a lot of it stem from the son's post on social media that seemingly tried to hide how the hunt went in reality or make it out to be something it wasn't? If you have seen the hunter's social media he obviously has lots of disposable income to afford multiple high-profile elk tags a year, sheep slam or two plus some extras, and coveted deer tags, why not just say what tag it was that the bull was killed on? The whole thing just seems so odd.

Bait or no bait, public or private land, draw tag or bought and paid for governor's tag, wilderness recluse or subdivision king, if the guy hunted it legally I don't see what the issue is? Personally, I'd just like to hear the real story on this bull instead of some secret half-truth's or speculation and rumors.

There was a possible new world record Mountain Goat killed this year, and the story is out there for all to read but it doesn't have any bit of the chaos surrounding this elk. Like I said above, I'd just like to hear the real story as I enjoy hunting stories, especially about giants we all dream about.

I think people have a preconceived notion of what hard work is around elk hunting and assumed it meant a 90 mile pack out both ways up hill.

If you’ve ever watched a seek one video, it’s impossible to deny that guy doesn’t work his ass off, yet it’s not a physical grind.

Bulls like this don’t get killed by luck diy, I’m guessing it’s more of a seek one style hard work than physical hard work.

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I think people have a preconceived notion of what hard work is around elk hunting and assumed it meant a 90 mile pack out both ways up hill.

If you’ve ever watched a seek one video, it’s impossible to deny that guy doesn’t work his ass off, yet it’s not a physical grind.

Bulls like this don’t get killed by luck diy, I’m guessing it’s more of a seek one style hard work than physical hard work.

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Sorry, I don't buy the thought that all things are equal as long as the animal hits the ground.

There is a big difference in fair pursuit between public land hunting and hunting a town conditioned animal fed by residents, then baiting him in for a kill on private property IF that is the case.

Everyone has their own jam and if it's legal than whatever floats your boat I guess, but why post about it and give the perception that it was something that it wasn't. That is what will get peoples feathers ruffled, should have just posted the actual details with the story if you were proud of the way you did it, along with the initial write up.
I think people have a preconceived notion of what hard work is around elk hunting and assumed it meant a 90 mile pack out both ways up hill.

If you’ve ever watched a seek one video, it’s impossible to deny that guy doesn’t work his ass off, yet it’s not a physical grind.

Bulls like this don’t get killed by luck diy, I’m guessing it’s more of a seek one style hard work than physical hard work.

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Then why not just say that? Personally I wouldn't think any less of it and I would like to think most people wouldn't either unless they were led to believe something else?

From the outside looking in perspective, it almost seems as if they weren't very proud of the way they killed the bull and tried to hide that fact? A bull of that size I would imagine would have some sort of investigation into it especially if it is to go in any record book, wouldn't the hunter want to just start out with the truth instead of seemingly tainting all the grandeur that the bull is?

Like I said, its all very odd. Nonetheless, an insanely big natural RM Elk.
Can you shut down my claim, or are you arguing to defend some random hunter?

I went off what others were saying. But really, you’re missing the forest for the trees and getting hung up on something silly.

I would have killed the bull, too. I would not be posting about killing a neighborhood bull, though, nor do I find it impressive that some guys spend tons of money to hunt the biggest bulls they can find on private land. Whether he’s independently wealthy, trust fund, or just happens to be super lucky drawing insane tags and hunting on buddies properties — it just doesn’t impress me.

And guess what? You’re welcome to your own opinions, too — including so passionately defending some rando hunter. That’s the beauty of it all.

It’s the internet. Don’t get too upset about it.
That's what I thought. You're jumping on the bandwagon to bash this guy who you know nothing about by spreading malicious rumors. I have followed him for years, and from all indications he is an average hard working man who puts everything into his passion.
Didnt read the entire thread but was it ever talked about why people kill 400 inch bulls and still feel the need to sit on the bulls ass in the picture? Anything that big doesnt need a long arm, wide angle.

Hate it. Cant look at a picture of a nice rack without some geometry/angle efforts fooking up the ability to understand what it actually looks like.
That bull was a ghost, chased by tribal hunters and hunters most of its life. I have several contacts in great area, no one knew about it in my circle.

If it was well know another gov tag holder or a tribal hunter would’ve already killed it. While not conventional, it’s still not easy to pattern and kill a late season bull in the timber with a bow.
What about in a driveway?