Incredible animal specimen that's for sure.
I don't understand the controversy, half-truths, secrecy, adulation, and/or disparaging/denigrating. Does a lot of it stem from the son's post on social media that seemingly tried to hide how the hunt went in reality or make it out to be something it wasn't? If you have seen the hunter's social media he obviously has lots of disposable income to afford multiple high-profile elk tags a year, sheep slam or two plus some extras, and coveted deer tags, why not just say what tag it was that the bull was killed on? The whole thing just seems so odd.
Bait or no bait, public or private land, draw tag or bought and paid for governor's tag, wilderness recluse or subdivision king, if the guy hunted it legally I don't see what the issue is? Personally, I'd just like to hear the real story on this bull instead of some secret half-truth's or speculation and rumors.
There was a possible new world record Mountain Goat killed this year, and the story is out there for all to read but it doesn't have any bit of the chaos surrounding this elk. Like I said above, I'd just like to hear the real story as I enjoy hunting stories, especially about giants we all dream about.