I almost killed a giant brown bear wearing my orange Crocs a few years ago. My buddy wouldn't let me chase after it as it was nearly dark, ~1000 away, and he only agreed to go out looking with me that evening because I promised him we wouldn't kill my bear (we were both pretty whupped from packing his bear out that morning) and to seal the deal I left my boots at the lodge saying, "what kind of moron is gonna try to put a stalk on a giant brown bear in bright orange Crocs".
Mark learned as I was about 50 yards from the truck that I was that kind of moron. But since it was opening day and we still had a whole week I decided not to push it.
Found that monster a couple of days later when he came waddling around the corner minutes after shooting my 9' sow. Made her look like a puppy.
Ever since, it's been my goal to shoot a big ole bear wearing my Crocs, just to prove a point to Mark
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