new watch

I change out the battery on my Suunto Core before every season in August. I have never had the it fail on me. I do bring a spare battery with me but have never had to replace it in the backcountry. That Steep and Cheap price is great! I passed that on to some friends. Thanks for posting that info.
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For those running Suuntos, I would suggest a Zagg screen cover for the face. I scratched one of mine in the first couple weeks and now it looks like $hit.
For those running Suuntos, I would suggest a Zagg screen cover for the face. I scratched one of mine in the first couple weeks and now it looks like $hit.

Great advice Doug.

Wish I would have taken it. I don't have trouble reading the watch, but my watch face looks like a kindergartner used a DVD like a frisbee.
I will always choose mineral glass for a watch that I will be using outdoors. Ive been wearing a Highgear altiforce everyday for two years and have banged or brushed it against any and everything you could imagine and there isn't one scratch on the face. A buddy of mine (who is rough on stuff anyway) had a suunto vector that after six month of regular use got so bad that he tossed in the CA delta while we were bass fishing. I asked him what time it was and all I heard back was "$&@# this thing!......plop". Like I said though he is rough on stuff though and may have some anger issues. Lol.
x2 Suunto Core or Vector

I can't stress how great these watches are. I've beaten these things up and I can't break them. From hunting to deployments they are the best watches I've ever owned.

+1. I have owned 5 different Suunto watches (I'm also a member of gear junkie anonymous) and they are the best, period. Sure you need a brief course in Tech 101, but after that you'll never regret the move. I sold the first Vector to upgrade to...can't remember, but it was the HR version of the Vector, then got the S6, T6 and finally the X6HR after doing some research work for Suunto (finally got a deal) and after nearly 10 years my T6 finally died last week.

I safely navigated the Nisqually Glacier in a whiteout with my watch, have taken it to the top of many mountains, rock climbing, hunts to keep me on the same elevation, etc. Cycling with the HR is also a bonus, as well as running. My S6 is beat up something fierce, but it works day in day out. I've had my eye on the Ambit, but the Core is an easier price to stomach. </soapbox>

Bottom line is, Suunto is still the pace setter when it comes to mountain watches.