New to the West Coast


Sep 8, 2014
So I just moved to Oregon and bow season is in full swing. I've managed to call in a few elk but i'd also like a shot at a blacktail buck. The only real problem is all my calls are for whitetail, will they work for blacktails. And if so any tips on calling blacktails.
Some guys have had good success rattling in bucks, I have tried late in the season here in California with no success but its also quite a bit early for the rut most times where I am at.
Works great! Up here in WA it is best mid October thru end of November. Rattle bags work, I prefer using sheds. Using doe bleats with grunts and rattling can be deadly. If legal using scents can also be extremely effective. I use the Larry D. Jones calling sequence with a few personal tweaks. Also don't be afraid to call from a tree stand, gives you the edge in the thick country where they sneak in.
I haven't called any in with calls but rattling works great. I prefer old sheds and the larger the better. If you find an area a buck is working with scrapes and rubs you should be able to get him to come in.