I came across this forum on my search to do as much research as possible on mule deer as it’s my next venture. I current spend a lot of time chasing white tail in my home state, as well as the Midwest with a few elk trips scattered in in Wyoming when drawn so the entire western hunting thing I’m kind of familiar with but not well versed with. What would you guys tips, or recommendations be for someone just wanting to dive in the Muley world to chase quality bucks. I’m currently looking into colorado zones and figured I mine as well dive in head first and start sinking points for the coveted
Zone in Arizona by the time I draw it I should hopefully have some old experience. Fully understanding no one’s going to tell you their spot zone etc is there any recommendations for something in Colorado to apply to but a decent zone to still be able to jump in get your feet wet while chasing a quality buck? Everything I’ve found is either a boat load or reported as terrible for quality. Nothing seems to be in the middle.
Zone in Arizona by the time I draw it I should hopefully have some old experience. Fully understanding no one’s going to tell you their spot zone etc is there any recommendations for something in Colorado to apply to but a decent zone to still be able to jump in get your feet wet while chasing a quality buck? Everything I’ve found is either a boat load or reported as terrible for quality. Nothing seems to be in the middle.